Archive for the 'UN Security Council mandates' Category

8 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, globalization, Leo Pasvolsky, NATO, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russophobia, Ukraine, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, UN Security Council mandates, war, war as a racket, war as unnecessary, War! War! War!, warmongers at 11:33 am | Permanent Link

President George Washington, the father of America, gave a speech when he retired in 1790. In that speech, he said the America should avoid foreign entanglements. Foreign conflicts. Did America heed his wise advice? Of course not! Just the opposite: today, America gets into a new war every 12 years on average. Globalism is American […]

28 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in China, China as a global superpower, China as a threat to the West, Chinese communism, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, NATO, NATO pilots, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Taiwan, UN, UN Security Council mandates, UNESCO, White identity, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 11:06 am | Permanent Link

Name one thing, just one thing, that Whites gain from globalism (such as the UN and NATO). (*buzz*) Time’s up. You can’t name one thing. Don’t bother trying. Globalism is a one-way street. Non-Whites win. Whites lose. White people: leave the UN and NATO immediately. End stupid international treaties, such as the Paris climate-change treaty. […]

21 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in NATO, sovereignty, treaties, UN, UN Charter, UN founders, UN Security Council mandates at 2:06 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the UN godfather, and Jewish state department official, Leo Pasvolsky) “That brings us to Agenda 2030. This Agenda puts forward a plan for a new soft world government by the year 2030. It was a plan adopted unanimously by the U.N. on September 25, 2015, and has 91 sections. The Agenda covers every aspect […]

4 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as last bastion of freedom, America First movement, America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, America-as-a-global-policeman, America-the-sitcom, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, NATO, UN, UN Charter, UN Security Council mandates at 2:31 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the little circles are U.S. or NATO military bases and that diagram is not complete). Globalism (as opposed to localism/regionalism) is harmful to America in so many ways. For one thing, it makes wars much more likely. But nonetheless, globalism is always framed in “must” terms. As if America must pursue a globalist path, […]

6 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "gay pride", "gay", "gender", 'sex-change', 'transgender', Big Fag, EU, global citizens, global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Hungary, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, trannies, UN, UN founders, UN Security Council mandates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:19 am | Permanent Link

The global Left is telling people how to think. Telling people how they should feel about homosexuals and trannies. What right do the leftists have to do that? The Left is always talking about “human rights.” Isn’t it “a violation of human rights” to force people to think a certain way? To deny them free […]

6 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, Biden, climate change, climax change, global government, global warming, globalization, sovereignty, taxes, treaties, UN, UN Charter, UN Security Council mandates at 11:35 am | Permanent Link

In the minds of liberals, what’s even better than federal power? Global power. “Evil globalist millionaires aren’t paying their fair share of taxes!” says the globalist multi-millionaire Joe Biden. “Pot calling kettle black.” Isn’t this just typical? Say what you will about corporations (not many people like them, and for good reason), but this will […]