Archive for the 'Syria' Category

12 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in America, America as an arm of world Jewry, Greater Israel, Israel, Israel - the facts, Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, Russia, Russophobia, Sinai II agreement, Syria, Ukraine, Zionism at 12:21 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: “Greater Israel” as envisioned by the Jews. How would the Jews control all that new territory? With America’s help, of course! Ever since the Sinai II agreement of 1975, America and Israel are “partners in Zionism” [and in crime in general]). So, Israel wanted to take Syria by force in order to expand Jewish […]

30 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", 'Middle East', al-Crapola, ISIS, Israel, Muslims, Socrates, Syria, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 1:46 pm | Permanent Link

If America weren’t a Zionist country obsessed with the Middle East, nobody would give two shits about some retard called al-CrapDaddi taking a dirt nap (if he is really dead; who knows the truth?). Besides, America, Britain and Israel created ISIS in 2014 as “controlled, fake opposition.” (Didn’t you find it odd that ISIS suddenly […]

19 April, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', America, Congress, Diversity, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Socrates, Syria, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 6:55 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Rep. Tulsi Gabbard) Out of all the Democrat presidential candidates (there must be at least 15 of them), Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) seems to be the most sane and normal. Unlike most liberals, Gabbard doesn’t sound like a complete nut. In fact, Gabbard is the perfect “diverse” liberal candidate: she’s young, she’s a woman, […]

30 March, 2019

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, Arabs, Assad, Cohencidences, Isntreal, Israel, jewed politics, Jewish paranoia, Jewish power, jewish traitors, Jewish Tyranny, politics, Putin, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, Syria, Trump, Trumpphobia at 1:29 pm | Permanent Link

For the record, in America, engineering a coup (even a soft one) against a sitting president is treason, a crime which can carry the death penalty. Did various anti-Donald Trump people commit treason in trying to remove Trump from office? Maybe. Depending on what they did, they may have committed treason. Did they manufacture fake […]

14 April, 2018

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', America, America-the-sitcom, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Russia, Socrates, Syria, Trump, Trump's policies, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 1:19 pm | Permanent Link

Here we go again! Donald Trump has now attacked Syria twice for Israel’s benefit: once in April 2017 and again last night. When will he stop serving the Jews and start serving us, the White citizens? This endless-wars-for-the-Jews trend is so old now — indeed, America fought the 2003 Iraq War for Israel’s benefit; some […]

8 April, 2018

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Egypt, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, Syria, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 11:43 am | Permanent Link

This is a two-fer: Trump criticized both Syria and Russia at the same time! How many Jews have been whispering into Trump’s ear? According to the Zionist baloney that was repeated by Trump, Syrian leader Assad is an “animal.” Really? Then what is Israel’s leader Netanyahu? He’s certainly no saint: Israel’s leaders are known for […]

11 May, 2017

Posted by Socrates in Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Isntreal, Israel, jewed politics, Jewish paranoia, Neocon agenda, Neocons, Putin, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, Syria, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpphobia, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism at 12:30 pm | Permanent Link

“We’ve seen this before”? Seen what before? Is that a little reference to Uncle Adolf? Hmmm? Anyway, Jews have led the anti-Trump movement, not because he poses any threat to them, but because they think he does (never mind the fact that several Orthodox Jews hold top positions in Trump’s administration, e.g., Trump’s son-in-law and […]

8 April, 2017

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', Israel, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Syria, Trump, Trump's policies, USrael, Yom Kippur war, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 6:38 pm | Permanent Link

You would think that Donald Trump, being a savvy businessman and deal-maker from New York City (a.k.a., the Big Bagel), would be immune to the cheap manipulations of the Jews. Apparently not. Anyway, here’s an old saying: “anything America does in the Middle East is about Israel.” That was true in 1973 (America helped Israel […]

7 April, 2017

Posted by Socrates in 'Middle East', America, America-the-sitcom, false-flag operations, Iraq War, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed foreign policy, Jewish power, Jewish warmongering, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Saddam Hussein, Socrates, sovereignty, Syria, Trump, Trump's policies, war, war as unnecessary, War On Israel's Enemies, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 3:43 pm | Permanent Link

America has just fired missiles at Syria; gee, that’s funny, I didn’t know that Syria attacked, or threatened to attack, America. When did that happen? And to think, Donald Trump said in 2013 that America should not attack Syria! How ridiculous. (The smart money says that “Assad’s chemical attack on civilians” was a false-flag operation […]

6 November, 2016

Posted by Socrates in global citizens, global government, globalization, immigration, international socialism, internationalism, nation, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, New World Order, NWO, rapefugees, refugees, refujihadists, Socrates, Syria at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link

[…] “But a world without borders is a world without citizens, and a world without citizens is a world without the rights and privileges that attach exclusively to citizenship. Rights and liberties exist only in separate and independent nations; they are the exclusive preserve of the nation-state.” [Article].