Archive for the 'right-wing populism' Category

26 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in right-wing movements, right-wing populism, Trump and populism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, Twitter at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

Consider: Google search results today (“hits”) using the exact phrase: “twitter trump” = 520 million hits (in all categories), and 190 million hits (in news only). I was suspicious when the first thing out of 7 top Jews’ mouths (er, keyboards) after Elon Musk bought Twitter was “is Trump going to be allowed back on […]

6 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Cultural Marxism, EU, Europe, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Hungary, Italy, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, judeo-communism, Judeo-Left, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal egalitarian democracy, liberal mindset, liberal vs. conservative thought, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Moses Hess, New World Order, Poland, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, right-wing movements, right-wing populism, rightists, Russia, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trumpphobia at 12:33 pm | Permanent Link

Leftist #1: “OMG! Orban won again! Now who’s going to teach 5-year-old Hungarian children about transgender pronouns??” Leftist #2: “Hungary must be sanctioned immediately!” Leftist #3: “Orban is the Donald Trump of Europe! We can’t let him get away with it!” Leftist #4: “We must stand up for the rights of African-Hungarian pre-operative transgender vegan […]

22 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in libertarians, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, right-wing populism at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

by Murray N. Rothbard. (This essay is very useful, but understand that there is one critical thing missing from it: the mention of ethnic Jews as key, central players in everything rotten in America. Why is that part missing? Because Rothbard was a Jew. Indeed, Libertarianism is a Jewish movement). “This two-pronged strategy is (a) […]

19 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid rules harming economy, Covid-19, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Great Reset, New World Order, NWO, populism, right-wing populism, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 3:46 pm | Permanent Link

A Video, Explained In Four Parts The Unraveling of the West 2020/The Great Reset was based around Donald Trump (i.e., removing him from office, discrediting him and his millions of followers, discrediting right-wing populism in general, denying Trump’s great economy, discouraging others worldwide from following in Trump’s footsteps, etc. The Jews are global thinkers. They […]

12 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in populism, right-wing populism, Trump, Trump Announcement Day Story, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

Some quotes are more important than others. Here are two important ones (bold text is mine). Note that beginning on Day 1 of Donald Trump’s candidacy, i.e., that day in June 2015 that Trump announced that he was running for president, the media has constantly attacked him. And, one Jew declared that he would impeach […]

23 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Biden, Biden administration, Covid as a cult, Covid lockdowns as hate crime, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, populism, right-wing populism at 7:18 am | Permanent Link

Overheard (paraphrasing): “after this Covid-19 bullshit is over, leftism will be as popular as the Bubonic Plague.” Indeed. Biden’s government is imploding. It is said that parts for cars and appliances are getting very scarce. Health workers are quitting due to “the jab” mandates. Drug and alcohol abuse is rampant. The citizens are fed up. […]

13 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Black-worship by Whites, blacks, Blacks in America, Jewish paranoia, Jewish power, jewish traitors, Jewish Tyranny, populism, right-wing populism, shabbos goys, Trump, Trump and Making America Great Again, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's border wall, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia, vote fraud at 10:37 am | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV last night: so many negroes that I thought, for a brief moment, that I had been magically transported to the Congo. Have you wondered why, since 2017, there are negroes all over your TV screen? That’s because powerful Jews in NYC and L.A. are scared. They want to lessen White nationalism […]

9 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a cult, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, populism, right-wing movements, right-wing populism, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 11:55 am | Permanent Link

The Covid-19 scamdemic allowed the political Left to accomplish many things [1]. Here are 7 of those things: 1. Covid allowed the Left to steal the 2020 election. That theft required months of planning. But under the cover of Covid-hysteria, it wasn’t hard to do; most people were preoccupied with Covid nonsense. 2. It allowed […]

2 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, election fraud, elections, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, Judeo-Left, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftists, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, populism, right-wing populism, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 1:33 pm | Permanent Link

(America was half-way normal until Donald Trump won the November 2016 election. Then things started going to hell. Just a coincidence? No. That’s exactly why things went to hell. Had anybody else been elected, America would still be half-way normal). In early 2016, the Judeo-Left thought it finally had America bagged [1]. Yep. Traditional America […]

10 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, right-wing populism, Socrates, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 1:15 pm | Permanent Link

Everyone I meet today is depressed. I mean everyone. Even some of the smarter liberals are depressed, because they know that actions usually have consequences: are they creating millions of Trump clones (right-wing populists)? Leftists are assholes, we know that, but during the past few years, they have gone far, far beyond their usual assholey […]