Archive for the 'Republicans' Category

1 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, conservatives as losers and wimps, cuckservatives, Limbaugh, populism, republican government, Republicans, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpism at 6:22 pm | Permanent Link

The Trump mandate is real. It’s not fake. He won the election by a landslide. He has a mandate to govern now (and he should use it wisely). In fact, it’s time to declare the Republican Party “dead” — it has done nothing for years. It’s time to create a Populist Party in its place. […]

30 September, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", "Civil War", America, America as Wonderland, America the White nation, Congress, Congressmen, constitution, constitutional rights, George Wallace, history, History for newbies, Reconstruction, Republicans, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpphobia at 12:07 pm | Permanent Link

Just after the so-called “Civil War” (it was actually the War for Southern Independence, which was fought from 1861-1865), the U.S. government was in shambles. It was broken and was being run by usurpers and retards. This era was known as Reconstruction. It was a 12-year, nightmarish period of government by illegal rule and by […]

24 June, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Adorno, anti-racism movement, anti-White themes, conservatism, conservatives, cuckservatives, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, equality, Frankfurt School, Marcuse, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Republicans, Socrates at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

“The idea of white supremacy or white nationalism is offensive to them, just as it is to all Americans.” Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! You been reading Marcuse, buddy? Maybe Adorno? Hmmmmm? [Article].

22 May, 2016

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, cuckservatives, Republicans, Socrates, Trump at 12:10 pm | Permanent Link

Republican strategist #1: “Okay, here’s the plan: despite Donald Trump’s political success, we’ll keep calling ourselves ‘conservatives’ while we act like liberals most of the time. Agreed?” Republican strategist #2: “Sounds great!” Republican strategist #3: “I’m on board with that!” Republican strategist #4: “Excellent! Now we’ll get the Black vote!” Republican strategist #5: “Alright! My […]

2 March, 2016

Posted by Socrates in Big Jew, conservatism, conservatives, jewed politics, politics, Republicans, Socrates, Zionist lobby at 2:35 pm | Permanent Link

Big Jew must really be crying into the ears of “Establishment Republican” leaders, because they’re making tough-sounding statements against Donald Trump. Some big Republican leader was on TV, saying (paraphrasing) “Trump won’t be the Republican nominee. We won’t allow it.” But if the Establishment GOP tries to keep Trump from winning the Republican nomination, millions […]

25 February, 2016

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, fake heroes, fake opposition, illegal immigration, immigration, immigration bills/laws, politics, Reagan, Republicans, Socrates, Trump at 3:03 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV: media anchormen wondering aloud what Ronald Reagan would think of “today’s Republican Party” (an obvious reference to Donald Trump). Ah, yes, there it is again: Reagan-as-the-godfather-of-conservatism! But it’s all bullshit. Reagan wasn’t really a conservative. He legalized 3 million illegal Mexicans in 1986 [1]. How are you a “conservative” if you […]

19 December, 2015

Posted by Socrates in elections, Limbaugh, politics, Republicans, Socrates, Trump at 12:25 pm | Permanent Link

“There is no Republican Party! You know, we don’t even need a Republican Party if they’re gonna do this. You know, just elect Democrats, disband the Republican Party, and let the Democrats run it, because that’s what’s happening anyway.” — Rush Limbaugh. It’s pretty significant that Limbaugh, once the head cheerleader for the Republican Party, […]

19 January, 2015

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", America-the-sitcom, black icons, black leaders, communism, communism in America, conservatives, David Duke, Martin Luther King Jr., Marxism, Republicans, Socrates, Stanley Levison, William Pierce at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

The “conservatives” are so desperate to get more Blacks into the Republican Party, and, so desperate to prove that they aren’t racists, that they’ve re-invented Martin Luther King, Jr. He’s now a conservative Republican. Never mind that King traveled in far-left political circles and associated with communists such as Stanley Levison, James Dombrowski, Carl Braden […]

11 August, 2014

Posted by Socrates in conservatism, conservatives, Democrats, elections, politics, populism, Republicans, Socrates, voting at 2:02 pm | Permanent Link

If the Republicans do pander to “Hispanic” voters, they’ll lose their core voting base: conservative Whites. But if they don’t pander to Hispanics, they’ll lose future elections as America becomes more multicultural. It’s a no-win situation for them. The future strongly favors the Democrats – unless, maybe, some populist party, with lots of money and […]

18 February, 2014

Posted by Socrates in Democrats, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed politics, Republicans, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 10:12 pm | Permanent Link

For decades, Jews have had major power in the Democratic Party but comparatively little power in the Republican Party. But that began to change circa 1985, and currently America has a Republican, Jewish House Majority Leader (Eric Cantor) [1][2]. [Article]. [1] aside from big Zionist victories like the 2003 Iraq War and the 2001 Afghanistan […]