Archive for the 'racial polarization' Category

2 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Christianity, Christians, Christians abetting jews, churches, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, egalitarianism, Frankfurt School, human blights, human equality, jewed culture, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewed religion, Mormons, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nation-states, Old Testament, race, Race Denial, race riots, racial awareness among Whites, racial integration, racial polarization, racial preferences, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:46 am | Permanent Link

How did it work out?? If you recall Michael Brown, the Summer of 2020, and George Floyd, not well! [1]. Today, Blacks riot every month over ridiculous things and they still play the “knock-out game” (i.e., randomly punching Whites in public places). In fact, race relations in America have never been this bad — thanks, […]

9 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-White laws, anti-White themes, California, child abuse via liberal propaganda, children, children and parenting, Cultural Marxism, homeschooling, public skools, race baloney, race-baiting, racial polarization, Socrates at 10:14 am | Permanent Link

Did you know that California has a state law requiring “ethnic studies” for all children in the public schools? That’s right. What is “ethnic studies”? It’s basically “White people are evil but Brown people are wonderful” propaganda. It’s Cultural Marxism. It’s state-sponsored mental child abuse of White students. It should be outlawed in America. Why […]

22 June, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'color politics', black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black culture, memes, racial polarization, racism, racism accusations, slogans, slogans for WNs, Socrates at 5:07 pm | Permanent Link

Good meme. Does the matter involve Blacks? Then it’s racial. Even if it isn’t racial, it’s still racial. Get it? Life in the West. All bullshit.

4 April, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, Ferguson, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, Michael Brown, race, Race Denial, race-baiting, race-mixing, racial awareness among Whites, racial polarization, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, War On White People at 2:14 pm | Permanent Link

Sioux Indian #1: “What ‘woke’ mean?” Sioux Indian #2: “It mean, ‘not asleep.’” Sioux Indian #1: “Hmmmm…I ‘woke’ then.” Sioux Indian #2: “Me, too. Wide awoke.” “It began roughly with the (Michael Brown-inspired) 2014 protests in Ferguson, Missouri…” It’s funny that he should say that. I’ve dated the beginning of the now-hotter War On White […]

1 October, 2017

Posted by Socrates in America, Kevin MacDonald, race, racial awareness among Whites, racial polarization, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture at 1:47 pm | Permanent Link

The message here: almost everyone is going to choose a side now — no more sitting around watching the racial politics. An especially good article by Dr. MacDonald. This polarization is very much needed. Without it, politics in America would just be “business as usual” and Whites would still be in a perpetual sleepwalk, so […]