Archive for the 'race and health' Category

22 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in race, race and body odor, race and cautiousness, race and health, race baloney, Race Denial, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, racial science at 7:41 am | Permanent Link

A List of Human Race Differences (first posted in May, 2021; updated/edited mid-October 2021) 1. Human hair density (i.e., head hairs per square inch) differs by race: Whites have the highest, followed by Asians, and lastly by Blacks, who have the lowest hair density; Black hair is woolly (unless treated); also, both Blacks and Whites […]

18 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Native Americans', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Kevin MacDonald, psychology, psychopathic personality traits, race, race and crime, race and health at 10:17 am | Permanent Link

Psychopathic personality traits include: – Pathological lying – Grandiose sense of self/egocentricity – Cunning and manipulative – Lack of remorse or guilt – Shallow emotional response – Callousness and lack of empathy – Parasitic lifestyle (i.e., using other people) “Studies from the United States have consistently found a rank ordering of races on behaviors related […]

17 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'social construct', 'social construction', anthropology, anthropology (Jewing of), jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewed science, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, race, race and body odor, race and cautiousness, race and health, race as a social construct, race baloney, Race Denial, race science, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

But first: “Gill says the reason for the shift in thought about race is that anthropologists, especially cultural anthropologists are uncomfortable about acknowledging racial differences because it might be seen as implying a kind of hierarchy.“ — ABC News quoting Dr. George W. Gill, a forensic anthropologist at the University of Wyoming; from the article […]

15 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black crime, black health vs. white health, Black physiology, race and health, race as a social construct, Race Denial, race science, racial differences, racial science at 5:35 pm | Permanent Link

It has long been alleged by cops that Black criminals lose consciousness faster than White criminals when they are put in a controlling choke-hold by a cop. In fact, it is said by cops that more Black criminals die from choke-holds than White criminals due to racial factors. Is that true? Yes. For several reasons: […]

18 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', Asia, Asians, Congress, Congressmen, coronavirus, gooks/chinks/slants/yellows, race, race and health, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, xenophobia at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

Don’t call Coronavirus what it is! That would be truthful! And it could lead to racism and xenophobia against slants! (Too late: there’s already racism and xenophobia against squints). Note for newbies: Jews and other non-Whites fear “official racism” (such as from a president, a congressman, etc.) much more than regular racism. [Article].

5 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in AIDS, coronavirus, disease, homosexual diseases, homosexual themes, homosexuals, race, race and health, race science, racial differences, racial fitness, Socrates at 10:51 am | Permanent Link

Some diseases will, by default, attack certain people much more than other people. In the case of Coronavirus, contrary to what Big Media tells us, it attacks Asian males the most due to genetics. (In the case of AIDS, male homosexuals are much more likely to get it due to their unique lifestyle: frequent sodomy, […]

19 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, 'tolerance', 'xenophobia', America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, China, chinks, coronavirus, disease, Diversity, diversity is hate, epidemics, global citizenship/world citizenship, global vs. local/regional, globalization, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, multiculturalism, race, race and health, Race Denial, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:55 am | Permanent Link

(Somewhere in a checkout line in America): Chinaman: “Ahhhh…ahhhh…ahhhh…achoooo!” White man: “Get the hell away from me, slant!” White liberal standing nearby: “Oh, such violent racism! I’m calling the police!” (later, at the home of the White liberal): White liberal: “I’ve just been diagnosed with coronavirus! I could die! My god! Why did they allow […]

9 February, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Asia, Asians, Asians vs. Whites, China, disease, epidemics, health, health care, race, race and health, racial differences, racial fitness, Socrates at 8:56 am | Permanent Link

It would be interesting to see the racial make-up of all the victims, worldwide. Nonetheless, I would caution people to still remain vigilant about the disease. It could mutate and then infect White people, too. [Here] and [Here].

23 April, 2017

Posted by Socrates in Diversity, diversity is hate, Fourteenth Amendment, jewed culture, jewed media, miscegenation, miscegenation's monsters, mixed-race people/mystery meat, mulattoes, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, race, race and health, race-mixing, race-mixing laws, Socrates at 2:02 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the late mixed-race singer Bob Marley; he was bullied as a child due to his odd ethnicity). It’s portrayed in the media and Hollywood as being really hip and cool: being of mixed race (very often White/Black, but sometimes White/other or even White/other/other) [1]. But the truth is quite the opposite. People of mixed […]

21 August, 2016

Posted by Socrates in Brazil, Diversity, immigration, multiculturalism, race, race and cautiousness, race and health, racial differences, racial fitness, racial hierarchy, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 2:47 pm | Permanent Link

Brazil: a multicultural “casserole” of Blacks, Browns, Reds, Yellows, Whites and every other race. Brazil is full of crime, corruption, incompetence, poverty, disease, filthy beaches, filthy water, to name a few bad features. (Brazil had 7 years to prepare to host the 2016 Olympic Games, but it was still very unprepared – so much so […]