Archive for the 'press releases' Category

11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, press releases at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Civil Rights Commission Targets Online Job Ad Company Sought ‘Racially Conscious White Male’ Jim Otte, Reporter [False, idiot. The objection was to the ad-placer because he mentioned that he was a White male. It was a man (so the party claimed – we did not know him) seeking employment. There was no company involved. These […]

15 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Knoxville rally, press releases at 11:50 pm | Permanent Link

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 15, 2007 The Aryan Defense League today demanded that nationally known commentator Juan Williams retract his innuendo that Channon Christian and Chris Newsom were trying to buy drugs when they were carjacked by a gang of blacks, culminating in an exceptionally vicious double-rape/torture/murder. “In the annals of attempted extenuations of black […]

13 April, 2007

Posted by alex in ADL, Alex Linder, comedians, Comedy Central, Daily Show, double standards, press releases, Viacom at 1:07 am | Permanent Link

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 4/12/07 ADL Expresses Outrage at Racism on Daily Show ADL National Director Alex Linder today called on Sumner Redstone of Viacom, Comedy Central’s parent company, to fire Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz, aka “Jon Stewart,” host of Comedy Central’s Daily Show, after he referred to Larry Birkhead, the recently confirmed father of Dannielynn Smith, […]