Archive for the 'populism as the future of politics' Category

24 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in global citizenship/world citizenship, global government, global mafia, global vs. local/regional, globalization, international socialism, internationalism, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, socialism, The Great Replacement (TGR), The Great Reset at 1:14 pm | Permanent Link

We rarely see the globalists being called what they really are: organized criminals. They are “a global mafia.” (One expert said that 30 or 40 globalists “run the world” and that seems accurate — doesn’t it, George?). If you doubt that they are a mafia, consider: the globalists have already committed crimes that would make […]

22 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in libertarians, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, right-wing populism at 1:41 pm | Permanent Link

by Murray N. Rothbard. (This essay is very useful, but understand that there is one critical thing missing from it: the mention of ethnic Jews as key, central players in everything rotten in America. Why is that part missing? Because Rothbard was a Jew. Indeed, Libertarianism is a Jewish movement). “This two-pronged strategy is (a) […]

21 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Joe Rogan, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites at 10:49 am | Permanent Link

British actor Russell Brand apparently has 5 million viewers now, and his message is populist, i.e., “the little guy must fight for his rights against the rich elites!” Brand has an advantage, in that he can attract a younger, hipper crowd. [Videos].

18 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

How scared are the global leftists of Donald Trump? So scared that even in Canada they fear Trump and punish people who support him! (Think of it: if this is how they feel about the democratic Trump, just imagine how the leftists would feel about a real fascist coming onto the scene? The leftists would […]

14 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Fourteenth Amendment, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Reconstruction, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 3:03 pm | Permanent Link

Now you know why honest men are still in jail over the so-called “Jan. 6 insurrection” — more than one year later! They’re rotting in jail on bullshit charges; some of those charges are misdemeanor charges. It’s all about demonizing Donald Trump/his followers and preventing him from running for president in 2024. Consider: you think […]

12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Announcement Day Story, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 1:06 pm | Permanent Link

Yesterday, I painted a picture for you about why Covid-19 happened. (Titled “Why Covid Happened” Feb. 11). Today, I’m going to enlarge that picture. Look at this amazing email, concerning the attempts to de-certify the stolen 2020 election. This email is from Arizona, but it could be from nearly any state in America: “The bad […]

11 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid as a control device, Covid as a cult, covid as a psyop, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, left-wing violence, left-wing vs. right-wing rule, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberal treason, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-destroyers, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, Trump, Trump and populism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trumpism, Trumpphobia at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

We on the political right-wing have known for some time that “Covid-19” and Donald Trump were connected. We just couldn’t prove it. It’s like when your wife is having an affair with the pool boy: you somehow know it but you’ve never caught them being naughty. We somehow knew (based on the behavior of the […]

9 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Canada, political persecution, political rights, politics, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites at 2:51 pm | Permanent Link

This trucker situation is hilarious. The harder the (((elites))) push, the worse it gets for them. They don’t realize that they’re grossly outnumbered, and out-brained as well. Populism is rising and the elites cannot stop that. (However, I would caution the populist movement: do not allow the movement to be hijacked by Jews. They will […]

6 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in 'nigger' as a word, Joe Rogan, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites, racism accusations at 12:59 pm | Permanent Link

Now Rogan is accused of racism for quoting other, mostly-Black people saying the word “nigger” (by the way, “nigger” is merely an alternate way of saying “niger” which is Latin for “black”; in the old days, some White people couldn’t pronounce “niger” correctly and began saying “nigger” instead; it simply means “African”). Regardless, your country […]

5 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Joe Rogan, political correctness, populism, populism as the future of politics, populists versus elites at 12:06 pm | Permanent Link

This article makes a good point: Joe Rogan needs to not bend a knee to anybody. He needs to stay the course and not budge. “Here’s the problem. All it takes is a couple of 1960s retreads to force both Spotify and Rogan into retreat over fear of musician and subscriber boycotts.” […] “If you […]