Archive for the 'pop culture' Category

16 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, anti-Whitism, Mexican arrogance, Mexican corruption, Mexican mentality, Mexicans/hispanics, Mexico, Mexinvasion, political correctness, pop culture, rock music, rock music industry, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White philosophy, White thought at 1:17 pm | Permanent Link

I find it creepy, but very predictable, that Linda Ronstadt focuses only on the Mexican side of her heritage, even though she is only 1/4 Mexican by race [1]. She always has something rotten to say about Donald Trump and the border wall. But, as Alex has said, Mexico would be a great place if […]

27 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Black affletes, black icons, negro-worship, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Socrates, sports, sports morons, sports negroes, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 9:32 am | Permanent Link

The ghost of Elvis Presley says: “The way the media is reacting to Kobe Bryant’s death, you’d think that I was in that helicopter — along with Jesus, Hank Williams and Buddy Holly!” [Article].

8 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in music, pop culture, rock music, rock music industry, Socrates at 5:57 pm | Permanent Link

(Disclaimer: this post has nothing to do with White nationalism per se). I’m always interested in what Zappa has to say about music. Now, I may not always agree with what he says, but, I’m still interested in what he says, re: music. Note the mention of John Lennon, Yoko Ono and MTV. I give […]

28 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in media, media criticism, media culture, media-ocracy, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

Is Donald Trump a polarizing figure? No. The media made him into a polarizing figure. Big difference there. The media decides who’s controversial, and therefore polarizing, and who isn’t. Citizens are expected to respond accordingly, and some do. BBC News quote, 10/28: “Trump booed at Washington DC baseball match; President Trump was booed while watching […]

23 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'celebrity culture', Alex Linder, America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, celebrities/famous people, Goebbels, jewed culture, mafia, National Socialism, Nazi era, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Socrates at 11:17 am | Permanent Link

Alex already posted this graphic of Goebbels at Kirksville Today, but I wanted to comment on “Part II” so to speak: Goebbels also said that only in America are gangsters treated like celebrities; indeed, citizens used to approach Al Capone in public and ask him questions like, “hey, Al, who do you want to win […]

5 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, black icons, music, pop culture, Socrates, tv, TV culture, tv shows at 3:14 pm | Permanent Link

As Lovey Howell from Gilligan’s Island: “How does one become a Snoop Dogg, anyway? Does one become a dog first and then a snoop second, or can one become a snoop first before becoming a dog later? Really, it’s all terribly confusing…” Her husband, Thurston Howell III: “You’re overthinking it, Lovey. Just be a good […]

29 September, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, American culture, culture, media, media-ocracy, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:29 am | Permanent Link

(Above: not pop culture). America has a pop culture. But that’s not the same thing as having a real culture. A real culture = important values and traditions are passed down from generation to generation, involving such things as skills/craftsmanship, food harvesting/production, cooking, courtship/romance, work ethics, home furnishings, etc. This happens over and over again, […]

17 September, 2019

Posted by Socrates in anti-male themes, anti-White themes, counterculture, hippies, jewed culture, jewed media, movies, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Sixties, Socrates, tv, TV culture at 12:01 pm | Permanent Link

Yep. Just ask a hippie, a negro, a Jew, a Mexican, a homosexual, or a female! White males: they’re the root of all evil! That’s the conclusion I came to after watching the counterculture movie “Easy Rider” (1969) last night on the TV. In the movie, White rednecks oppress and kill hippie bikers for no […]

13 September, 2018

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed media, jewed music, music, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, rock music, rock music industry, Socrates at 4:50 pm | Permanent Link

How come music from 1974 sounds good but music from 2013 sounds like shit? Well, basically, there’s no artistry or originality in today’s music, e.g., the sequences of the notes are nearly the same in every song; modern musical “compression” makes all the songs sound muddy and too dense, and lyrics repeat themselves endlessly; also, […]

23 August, 2018

Posted by Socrates in "gay", "gender theory", "gender", 'transgender', homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewish gender baloney, pop culture, pop culture vs. real culture, Socrates, trannies, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 3:35 pm | Permanent Link

Man #1: “I have rapid-onset gender dysphoria.“ Man #2: “Really? How did you get that?” Man #1: “I got it by watching TV.” Woman #1: “You don’t say! I got it by reading women’s magazines.” Woman #2: “I got it from my college professor, Dr. Goldberg. He said that I was a man trapped in […]