Archive for the 'Pill' Category

8 May, 2010

Posted by Socrates in birth control, counterculture, feminism, jewed culture, Jewed science, Pill, Socrates at 2:17 pm | Permanent Link

Rule of thumb: if it’s connected to the counterculture, Jews probably created it. So it’s no surprise that a yid named Pincus was the front man in the development of the birth-control product known as ‘The Pill.’ Pincus’ invention not only prevented millions of White births, but it greatly aided the feminist movement – a […]

6 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in "sex equality", Britain, egalitarianism, England, feminism, General Decline, jewed culture, Pill, Socrates, Western culture at 11:50 pm | Permanent Link

The feminization of the West speeds up. With their college degrees, more women will move into positions of authority – won’t that be fun? Note the mention of The Pill: [Article].