Archive for the '‘noble savage’' Category

23 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", "liberation" movements led by Jews, 'noble savage', 'One-Dimensional Man' book, Claude Levi-Strauss, communism, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, jewed law, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, liberals fooling the citizens, liberals-as-destroyers, Marcuse, Marxism, New Left, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

Alex often calls the political Left “the Judeo-left” or the “J-left.” Why? You’re about to see why. If leftism (aka, liberalism) were a house, “all of the carpenters who built it were Jews.” (Newbies, when I say “Jews” I mean Jews-by-ethnicity or Jews-by-DNA. I am not referring to their religion). Post-Enlightenment leftism (i.e., leftism from […]

20 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', Bolsheviks, civilization, civilization/civilized, Claude Levi-Strauss, Critical Race Theory, Critical Theory, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, democracy, DeNazification, Frankfurt School, Freud, Marcuse, Marx, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, Max Horkheimer, War On White Males, War On White People at 2:22 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV: a children’s book which suggests that White people are especially evil. The book was found in a public school. There have been about 40 books published in the past 10 years that basically say: “White people are uniquely evil.” Many of these books are found in public schools. Many of the […]

26 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', Cultural Marxism, history, History for newbies, movies, political correctness, primitive vs. civilized, Socrates at 10:43 am | Permanent Link

Winterhawk (1975), starring Leif Erickson and Dawn Wells. Those evil White people! They always speak with forked tongue! Indian-worship began in the 1960s and it’s at full boil here. This savage named Winterhawk is honest, noble, smart and morally superior to you! (Indian trivia: the Lewis and Clark Expedition of 1804, composed of 32 White […]

13 May, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, 1/4 Cherokee/Apache/Sioux/Comanche, brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, colonialism in Africa, colonialism in the New World, Columbus Day, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish racism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, White philosophy, White technology, White thought at 10:32 am | Permanent Link

The Jews and the leftists say every day on social media that White people are evil, due to colonialism. The Whites oppressed native Brown and Black people, they say, by conquering and subjugating them, and forcing them to adopt the “horrible” White lifestyle (which is, in point of fact, the best in the world and […]

1 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', 1/4 Cherokee/Apache/Sioux/Comanche, men, men vs. women, Socrates, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought, WN strategy, women, women as politically/racially worthless at 12:10 pm | Permanent Link

White Woman #1: “My husband seems so racist and extreme sometimes!” White Woman #2: “So does mine! Can’t all the races just get along? You know, hold hands and sing Kumbaya?” White Woman #3: “My college professor, Mr. Goldberg, said that racism is a sign of mental illness! Maybe your husbands need psychiatric help.” White […]

28 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Thanksgiving at 12:59 pm | Permanent Link

In 1990, I would have said, “Happy Thanksgiving.” But this is 2019. AOC, Tlaib and other people of questionable ethnicity are in Congress. White people are now evil. Thanksgiving is now merely a celebration of the genocide of a noble, peaceful people. So…Happy Genocide-of-Kind-Gentle-Loveable-Creative-Native-Americans Day! Feeling guilty for making the smelly redskins use toilets? You […]

2 August, 2017

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', America, America the White nation, America's founders, American Indians, court historians, Cultural Marxism, history, History for newbies, leftism, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates, The Arts at 10:25 am | Permanent Link

“This sense of (masculine/manly) failure runs very deep — maybe it has to do with…the guilt of having gotten this country by wiping out a native race of people” — actor/playwright Sam Shepard. Whoa, there, Kemoswabee! Mr. Shepard, I gotta ask: who was your history teacher? Mr. Goldberg? Mr. Weinberg? Newbies, in America, Indian tribes […]

14 August, 2015

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', 'Indians', 'Native Americans', 'noble savage', America, American Indians, history, History for newbies, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Socrates, Zionism at 10:25 am | Permanent Link

The Jews have changed the definition of anti-Semitism several times. Now, “the delegitimization of Israel” is, they say, anti-Semitism. But wait a second, Ira, Sol and Dov. How is Israel “legitimate” in the first place? Most of the land that makes up Israel was stolen from the Arabs in 1967 (e.g., the West Bank) during […]

18 February, 2012

Posted by Socrates in 'Indians', 'noble savage', America, court historians, history, History for newbies, Hollywood, Socrates at 4:42 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on TV: a clip from an old movie in which an Indian (a.k.a. “Native American”) accuses White men of “speaking with forked tongues.” (The White man’s promise is no good, according to countless Hollywood movies, while the Indian’s word is rock-solid). Seeing that clip caused me to remember a book that I once owned, […]