Archive for the 'Michael O’Meara' Category

24 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara at 11:19 pm | Permanent Link

Through the Barrel of a Gun or Not At All: A Rant Against White Reformists by Michael O’Meara “Je crois à la Révolution dans la mesure où je ne crois ni à la durée ni à la valeur de la Société qui m’entoure.” -Pierre Drieu La Rochelle Almost as depressing as the thought of our […]

14 September, 2007

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara at 12:46 pm | Permanent Link

Drieu on the Failure of the Third Reich by Michael O’Meara TRANSLATOR’S NOTE:  The powers threatening our people became hegemonic in May 1945, when the liberal-Communist coalition known as the “United Nations” imposed its dictatorship on defeated Germany. This dictatorship — whose defining characteristic, East and West, is its techno-economic worship of the Jewish Moloch […]

9 July, 2007

Posted by alex in Michael O'Meara, White fiction, White media, white nationalism, White plans, White thought at 7:21 pm | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara   Those who want to live, let them fight, and those do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.   H.A. Covington’s Northwest Trilogy of novels — Hill of the Ravens (2003), A Distant Thunder (2004), and A Mighty Fortress (2005) — now represents […]

12 June, 2007

Posted by alex in judaism, liberalism, Michael O'Meara at 6:18 pm | Permanent Link

By Michael O’Meara Translator’s Introduction: The Jews are our misfortune. For more than 2000 years they weighed like an incubus on European life. But not until the 20th century did they assume actual control of white destinies. Their triumph over us had to await certain basic changes in the way we live — specifically those […]

2 May, 2007

Posted by alex in France, Michael O'Meara at 5:54 am | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara Le Pen’s trouncing in the first round of the presidential voting was a great disappointment to racial nationalists — not because they identified with his campaign or thought a National Front victory possible, but because a large Le Pen vote would have constituted a popular assault on the System’s legitimacy and thus […]

23 April, 2007

Posted by alex in Europe, France, Michael O'Meara at 12:54 am | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara Tonight in Washington, Brussels, and Tel Aviv champagne glasses are being raised to toast the System’s triumph.

16 April, 2007

Posted by alex in France, Michael O'Meara at 5:55 pm | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara After years of economic stagnation, labor unrest, and increased international marginalization, French elites had hoped the presidential campaign of 2007 would help re-educate and thus help prepare the French for the economic reforms needed to complete their country’s transition to globalization. Instead, the campaign has turned into a red, white, and blue […]

25 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Europe, France, Michael O'Meara at 4:20 pm | Permanent Link

By Michael O’Meara In less than a month, on April 22, the French will elect their next president. This election will weigh heavily on France — not just on the corrupt Judeo-liberal state that bears the appellation “la République français” — but on French France — the Gaulish, medieval Christian, racially white France — that […]

24 March, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, German nationalists, Michael O'Meara, white nationalism, White philosophy, White plans, White solutions, White thought, Whiteness Studies at 3:19 pm | Permanent Link

by Michael O’Meara Note: The following is an excerpt from a longer, heavily footnoted article titled “Freedom’s Racial Imperative: A Heideggerian Argument for the Self Assertion of Peoples of European Descent,” which appeared in the fall 2006 issue of The Occidental Quarterly. Minor changes have been made for the sake of this format. Thanks to […]

21 February, 2007

Posted by alex in America, Europe, Michael O'Meara, real American history, real history at 11:12 pm | Permanent Link

A White Nationalist Reading of Dominique Venner’s Le Siècle de 1914: Utopies, guerres et révolutions en Europe au XXe siècle (Paris: Pygmalion, 2006) by Michael O’Meara To recreate a new aristocracy is the eternal task of every revolutionary project. -Guillaume Faye At the beginning of 20th century, peoples of European descent ruled the world. They […]