Archive for the 'Martin Luther King Jr.' Category

17 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Black achievement, black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, Black mentality, Black racism, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Martin Luther King Jr. at 1:51 pm | Permanent Link

The best quotes I’ve heard in a month: “Almost 70 years after Brown, almost 60 years after the Civil and Voting Rights acts, decades after Oprah Winfrey, Tiger Woods, and Barack Hussein Obama became household names — the farther away we go from Jim Crow and segregation — the angrier and unhappier blacks become.” “Even […]

18 January, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", communism, Martin Luther King Jr., Marxism, Socrates, Stanley Levison at 12:13 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: MLK, Jr. and Bayard Rustin circa 1963) What? Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Black Marxist who slept with White prostitutes? And his “manager” (Stanley Levison) was a Jewish communist? And King was a close buddy of Black, homosexual communist Bayard Rustin? Well, uhh, doesn’t everybody pal around with Jewish and Black homosexual communists? […]

20 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, Black rioting, Martin Luther King Jr., rioting by Blacks/Browns, Socrates at 12:31 pm | Permanent Link

Seen: a Tweet, which read: “Just got to my bank to find it’s “closed in observation of Juneteenth.” This means we can dump Martin Luther King Day, right?” Yeah! There is a big movement now to give Blacks another national holiday: Juneteenth. The Blacks already have a holiday as noted above: MLK Day, and also, […]

20 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Cultural Marxism, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Tyranny, Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates at 11:44 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Stanley Levison, wearing glasses). Before the civil-rights movement, Blacks were submissive. They were respectful, even afraid, of Whitey. But after the civil-rights movement, Blacks were contemptuous and snotty towards Whitey, because they had lost all fear of Whites. Indeed, rapes of White women by Blacks quadrupled circa 1970. Who built the civil-rights movement? Not […]

7 November, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: “Dr.” Martin Luther King, Jr. in jail — as usual. King stole roughly half of the material in his doctoral thesis, but nonetheless, his Ph.D. in Theology from Boston University has never been revoked. Why not? [1]). Citizen #1: “So, the people of Kansas City didn’t want a street named after a Black, Marxist […]

21 January, 2019

Posted by Socrates in communism, Lenin, Mao, Martin Luther King Jr., Marxism, Max Horkheimer, Socrates at 3:01 pm | Permanent Link

Martin Luther King Jr.’s late friends have something to say to you: The ghost of Karl Marx says: “Happy King Day!” The ghost of V.I. Lenin says: “Happy King Day!” The ghost of Joe Stalin says: “Happy King Day!” The ghost of Max Horkheimer says: “Happy King Day!” The ghost of Fidel Castro says: “Happy […]

14 January, 2018

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish Tyranny, Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates, Stanley Levison at 1:31 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: MLK’s communist connections and sleazy behavior are ignored by King-worshippers; the names of the subjects in the photo are Here). You’ve heard of the red queen (in Alice In Wonderland)? Well, Martin Luther King, Jr. is the red King! His royal highness had drunken orgies with White hookers, stole half of his doctoral thesis, […]

15 December, 2017

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals-as-children, Martin Luther King Jr., political persecution, politicization of everything, politics, Socrates at 4:19 pm | Permanent Link

Seen on the TV: a liberal bragging about how the Left has politicized everything via complaining about everything. Leftists made toothpaste, grapes, beer, city buses, even sporting events political, via various boycotts; the Left also forced Arizona to create a Martin Luther King Jr. Day via boycotts and political threats. I recall, as a kid, […]

8 January, 2017

Posted by Socrates in black icons, black leaders, frauds, jewed culture, jewed politics, Martin Luther King Jr., Socrates, Stanley Levison at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Martin Luther King Jr. being arrested for the umpteenth time, 1958; King and his followers would block roads and bridges while marching, which was a public safety hazard) Here it is again: the day set aside by the government for a Black fraud and plagiarizer who slept with White prostitutes. King would be a […]

22 September, 2016

Posted by Socrates in Edward R. Murrow, leftism, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberalism, liberals, Martin Luther King Jr., McCarthy, media, media control, Socrates at 4:13 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: famed “journalist” Edward R. Murrow, who could make, or break, anyone in America). “Accordingly, it is necessary to discuss the most important tool that the leftist and globalist intelligentsia uses to manipulate public perceptions and opinions. This tool is the Overton Window…” Maybe I’m just not sophisticated enough (my idea of gourmet food is […]