Archive for the 'lines' Category

11 May, 2007

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, lines, WTC demolition at 6:56 pm | Permanent Link

ZOG’s claim that the WTC buildings were burned down by Arabs with planes is every bit as credible as Stan Gable’s claim that the jock dorm burned down due to faulty wiring. [Article]

4 October, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, lines at 8:16 pm | Permanent Link

Jews are famous for their imaginary head ailments, imaginary stomach diseases, imaginary bowel disruptions. They’d be the last people on earth to invent imaginary atrocities.

3 October, 2006

Posted by alex in lines at 1:32 pm | Permanent Link

The only thing that even approaches the ugliness of a nigger bastard in diapers is a cup of cold coffee filled with defunct cigarettes. If you give birth in a hospital, it will sell your name to all the diaper companies, which will send you samples. These come wrapped in packages featuring a human baby […]

14 September, 2006

Posted by alex in lines at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

If you think ignorance is expensive, try college.

1 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, lines at 4:31 pm | Permanent Link

Mel Gibson can’t get any money from Hollywood because he hates jews. This is different from before, when he couldn’t get any money because jews hate Christians.

31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Fox News for Children, lines at 9:39 pm | Permanent Link

If I was Greta Van Susteren, I wouldn’t let the camera shoot me from the side. Which side? The outside. Seriously, that woman is scary-ugly. Her chin always looks like it’s clenching to deliver a punch. The weird and frightening thing is that at least two other potentially normal to cute Foxies are screwing up […]

31 July, 2006

Posted by alex in lines at 8:10 pm | Permanent Link

Neil Cavuto interviewing President Bush can only be compared to…

17 July, 2006

Posted by alex in lines at 9:04 pm | Permanent Link

If there’s one man left in America with gravitas, I don’t know who it would be.

17 July, 2006

Posted by alex in lines at 8:53 pm | Permanent Link

The average AmeriKwan is no more capable of taking his own direction based on reasoned thought than a fish in a school.

10 April, 2006

Posted by alex in lines, Mexinvasion at 11:40 am | Permanent Link

Oy, the greatest flop since Y2K, itz.