Archive for the 'liberal ‘tolerance’' Category

19 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in deplatforming, free speech, freedom, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberals, liberals as bullies, social media, social media/big tech, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, Twitter at 12:14 pm | Permanent Link

Leftist #1: “In January 2021, we banished The Evil from Twitter. Permanently!” [1]. Leftist #2: “Yes! Orange Man Bad was a threat to our democracy! He was spreading fascism and hate on social media!” Leftist #3: “But…but now, with Elon Musk poised to buy…(*sob*)(*sniff*)…Twitter…” Leftist #4: “The Evil might return!! He…he…might come back to Twitter!!” […]

8 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in economic growth, economics, economy, leftism and children, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberal vs. conservative thought, liberalism, liberals, Reagan, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trumpphobia at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

A List of Things Leftists Hate — White men (they’re racist oppressors who had the colossal nerve to invent everything) — traditional family values (they’re sexist and homophobic) — children (they’re a burden and they’re expensive, too) — old people (they’re a burden; “rest homes exist for a reason!”) — conservatives (they’re all racists and […]

6 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Cultural Marxism, EU, Europe, homosexual themes, homosexuals, Hungary, Italy, jewed culture, jewed media, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, judeo-communism, Judeo-Left, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal egalitarian democracy, liberal mindset, liberal vs. conservative thought, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, Moses Hess, New World Order, Poland, Putin, Putin-as-new-Hitler, right-wing movements, right-wing populism, rightists, Russia, Trump, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trumpphobia at 12:33 pm | Permanent Link

Leftist #1: “OMG! Orban won again! Now who’s going to teach 5-year-old Hungarian children about transgender pronouns??” Leftist #2: “Hungary must be sanctioned immediately!” Leftist #3: “Orban is the Donald Trump of Europe! We can’t let him get away with it!” Leftist #4: “We must stand up for the rights of African-Hungarian pre-operative transgender vegan […]

24 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Berkeley, censorship, Cultural Marxism, free speech, freedom, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberalism, New Left, political correctness at 3:17 pm | Permanent Link

“Free speech is how we learn” — Jordan Peterson. (How ironic that the New Left was born, to a good degree at least, via the Free Speech Movement at the University of California, Berkeley in Fall 1964! So you can see how extreme the Left has become: leftists went from “free-speech advocacy” to “no-speech advocacy”). […]

12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "woke", Cultural Marxism, leftism, leftism as a Jewish construct, leftism is really communism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, political correctness at 8:38 pm | Permanent Link

Under Cultural Marxism, you can offend 5 different “protected groups” in one speech! Leftist #1: “Oh, my god, she just offended trans people!” Leftist #2: “She also just offended gay people!” Leftist #3: “She also just offended Black people!” Leftist #4: “She also offended midgets!” Leftist #5: “She also offended people who eat liverwurst!” Hey! […]

12 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals as female at 3:08 pm | Permanent Link

So, if you haven’t gotten the toxic Covid jabs, you’re a “piece of shit”?? Hmmm. The liberal must be “better” than you at all times. He must be “superior” to you. “I’ve been vaccinated for Covid five times! Have you?? No??? Shame on you!! I’m reporting you to the government!!” To be a liberal is […]

4 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children at 12:18 pm | Permanent Link

Maher makes a good point. Leftists, on the whole, are becoming more demanding and censoring, and just generally crazier. Why? I’m guessing this is why: the leftists aren’t seeing society change fast enough. There are still too many “evil White men” in power. Being more-emotional people, leftists are not patient (i.e., they’re not Asians, who […]

1 February, 2022

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberal mindset, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children at 7:18 pm | Permanent Link

(Note: Curt Schilling is a White, conservative baseball player). Almost as soon as a leftist is born, he starts making everything political. Food, pets, the weather, cars, sports — everything under the sun becomes political to a leftist. That sucks for everyone who isn’t a leftist. Why do leftists make everything political? Good question. They’re […]

28 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, leftists-as-liars, liberal 'tolerance', liberal egalitarian democracy, liberal mindset, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children at 5:50 pm | Permanent Link

(“Liberalism” as used here is synonymous with leftism). — A liberal has a female brain, even if the liberal is a male. — A liberal doesn’t “become” a liberal, he’s born one. — A liberal is holier-than-thou. As mayor, she’ll create a Covid face-mask mandate for the city, and then go out and party at […]

26 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in affect intensity, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberalism, liberals, liberals as bullies, liberals-as-children, Socrates at 1:34 pm | Permanent Link

We have been told for years (by liberals) that “liberals are more tolerant than anybody else.” Oh, really?? I never see that! Ever! Each time I see a liberal say or do something, all I see is intolerance. Look at the Covid-19 mandates, for example. Or look at California, where everything is either mandatory or […]