Archive for the 'Jewish icons' Category

19 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in E=MC2, Einstein, Jewish icons, Jewish lies, Jewish myths, Olinto De Pretto at 12:47 pm | Permanent Link

Jesus? A myth. Jewish “chosenness”? A myth. “He’s just a nice Jewish boy from Brooklyn”? There’s no such thing as a nice Jewish boy from anywhere. “Einstein invented E=MC2”? He found it and popularized it, but he didn’t invent it. Everything surrounding the Jews is a myth. The Italian guy who invented E=MC2, known as […]

25 March, 2012

Posted by Socrates in Einstein, Hollywood, jewish criminality, Jewish deceit, Jewish icons, jewish scam artists, lawsuits, plagiarism, Socrates at 11:04 pm | Permanent Link

…the people of plagiarism. (Back in the 1940s/1950s, Jewish composers wrote many popular songs. Some of those songs were used in Hollywood movies. They were good songs, which is exactly why you should question their origins. The Jewish “composers,” in all probability, stole the songs from gentiles and claimed them as their own, just as […]

24 July, 2011

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed media, jewesses, Jewish appearance, Jewish icons, pop culture, Socrates at 1:02 pm | Permanent Link

Well, beauty always dies young. You know, this is rather worrisome: how can the pop culture normalize the “Jewish look” without Amy around? [Article/Obituary].