Archive for the 'Jewish chosenness' Category

17 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish deceit, Jewish Question, Jewish swindlers at 8:11 pm | Permanent Link
9 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in communism, Hollywood, HUAC, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Marxism at 4:22 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Gary Cooper, circa 1946). Whites: Honest and decent, always trying to help others who might need help, regardless of who they are. Jews: Not! They only help other Jews. Actor Gary Cooper (1901-1961) was a great actor and a great human being. His major faults were being too damn nice and too damn naive. […]

31 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Bible, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish Question, Jewish racism, Old Testament, race, race baloney, racism, racism accusations at 2:18 pm | Permanent Link

Jews were the first people on earth to claim superiority over all other humans, as their official doctrine, back before the time of Christ, who was born circa 2 BC, according to the narrative at least. The Jews were the world’s first official racists — so how odd that they are now “the monitors and […]

11 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' crimes, 'hate' haters, 'hate' laws, EU, global citizenship/world citizenship, global entities such as UN and NATO, global government, Global Man, global vs. local/regional, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish chosenness, Jewish racism, New World Order, NWO at 1:11 pm | Permanent Link

Why does “The Other” always have more rights than we do — and we’re talking about the Western world! Europe! [1]. What’s a “hate crime?” Who decides what is, and isn’t, “hate”? Some Jew sitting behind a desk, that’s who [2]. Anyway, you can have freedom, or globalism. Not both. Part of being a human […]

2 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish DNA/racial make-up, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Question, jewish revolutionaries, tikkun olam at 12:44 pm | Permanent Link

Jew: “I’m saving the world by fomenting endless physical and intellectual revolutions! You should be thanking me!” White Man: “No, you’re not saving the world. You’re destroying the White civilizations which created the world!” Jew: “Ha! Liar! You just hate Jews! You’re an anti-Semite!” Symptoms of autism include: “repetitive behavior and restricted interests.” People with […]

21 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Jewish 'stereotypes', Jewish aggression, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish expulsions, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish racism, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish victimhood, Jewish warmongering, Palestine, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

The Jews (who are genetically non-White) have been kicked out of over 109 countries throughout history (see list below). They have been expelled from France five different times since 1182 AD. That’s a horrible record. No other people have come close to such a horrible record! When your people are expelled from, say, 12 different […]

16 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish DNA/racial make-up at 3:06 pm | Permanent Link

“Yom Kippur is the holiest day of the year in Judaism. Its central themes are atonement and repentance.” — Wikipedia, Sept. 2021. As if Jews — a non-White race of swindlers — would ever repent or atone! Glom: (verb) to steal. Gyp: (verb) to swindle.

27 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Vichy France at 3:10 pm | Permanent Link

“By 1942, Laval had succeeded Marshal Pétain as the head of the Vichy government, and it was here where he showed his true colors. According to The New York Times, Laval pursued French Resistance fighters and even deported French Jews — including women and children — to the concentration camps.” Zounds! Laval chased communists and […]

9 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in halakhic laws in Judaism, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish genetic diseases, Jewish genetics, Jewish Halakhic law, judaism, Judaism As a Group Evolutionary Strategy, judaism-as-hate, Shahak at 1:00 pm | Permanent Link

by Dr. William L. Pierce. (Judaism is racism. Period. If you practice Judaism, then you practice racism. So why are the Jews never called “racists”? Why do the Jews work feverishly to “fight racism” in America when they themselves are racists?)[1]. “Each morning, every Orthodox Jew in the world thanks his god “who has not […]

4 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in egalitarianism, equality, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Holocaust, holocaust racket, Holocaustianity, human blights, human equality, jew mentality, jewed language, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish arrogance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jews-as-godlike, jews/hebes/yids/pickle-snoots/nickel-noses, judaism, judaism-as-hate at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link

He nails the fundamental problem in the Western world since World War II: the belief that human beings are, or can be, equal. This fraudulent belief has, of course, been pushed very hard by the Jews, lest “another Hitler” come along and “oppress” God’s Pets. Oppressing a Pet is the greatest of all sins — […]