Archive for the 'Jewish banking' Category

17 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", Jewish banking, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish history, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Question, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, slavery, slavery lies, the American Civil War, war as a racket, war propaganda, War! War! War! at 4:37 pm | Permanent Link

“The Outlaw Josey Wales” (1976); starring Clint Eastwood. The U.S. “Civil War” (1861-1865) was about the North bullying the South, re: taxes/tariffs. Period. It wasn’t about “slavery.” Thousands of good men died in that war (on both sides) because the North was full of arrogant, elitist, Jewish-controlled assholes. Of course, Jews played a key role […]

16 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, Bitcoin, crypto-currency, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, Jewish banking, Jewish money-magic, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish power at 12:23 pm | Permanent Link

It’s possible that crypto-currency will kill off a good portion of Jewish financial power (mainly the control of the money supply of the Western world, such as America’s “Federal” Reserve bank, which is actually a private entity with stockholders. Strangely, it has a “.gov” URL! Sneaky!). But what if Western governments ban crypto-currency by law? […]

4 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", Jewish banking, Jewish money, Jewish nation-wrecking, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Jewish World Revolution, Socrates, Ulysses S. Grant at 1:40 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: General Ulysses S. Grant [1822-1885]). These comments by General Grant about the Jews are actually mild, considering that Jewish bankers financed both sides of the so-called U.S. Civil War [1]. That’s the way Jews operate: they “set two sides to fighting” and then they waltz onto the battlefield when the bullets stop flying to […]

31 October, 2019

Posted by Socrates in economic cycles, economics, economy, Federal Reserve system, jewed economics, Jewish arrogance, Jewish banking, Jewish money-magic, Paul Warburg, Socrates at 3:24 pm | Permanent Link

*Hummm…whirrrrrr…hummm…whirrrrrr…* White man: “What’s that noise? It sounds like a washing machine.” Jewish money-magician #1: “Close. That’s the economy. We’re cycling it. We do it often.” Jewish money-magician #2: “Yes. Right now, the economy is in the spin cycle. See? Next we go to the drying cycle, where we take the gentiles’ money without them […]

25 January, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Jewed pornography industry, Jewed science, Jewish banking, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Moon, Socrates, space at 1:58 pm | Permanent Link

White Astronaut #1: “What?? Is that…an adult bookstore?? You mean, there’s a porno shop on the moon???” White Astronaut #2: “Yeah. The Jews landed here last year. Not only that, they also built five banks, four Holocaust museums, two whore houses and a toilet manufacturing plant!” [Article].

19 December, 2018

Posted by Socrates in economic cycles, economy, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, fiat money, jewed economics, jewed finance, Jewish banking, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish deceit, Jewish genetics, Jewish money-magic, Socrates at 3:30 pm | Permanent Link

Jewish money-magician: “Observe how I manipulate the economy: I just wave my magic wand, and (*poof*) the economy is weaker. Then, I wave my magic wand again and (*poof*) the economy is stronger! Now, I go back again: I wave the magic wand and (*poof*) the economy is weak again! See? (*poof*) Stronger! (*poof*) Weaker!” […]

15 March, 2017

Posted by Socrates in Big Jew, economic cycles, economy, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, jewed economics, Jewish banking, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Socrates at 3:14 pm | Permanent Link

Citizen #1: “Up and down, up and down with the interest rates — I’m getting dizzy here!” Citizen #2: “What if White people controlled America’s money, instead of Jews?” [Article].

8 February, 2016

Posted by Socrates in banking, economics, economy, Federal Reserve system, fiat money, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed finance, Jewish banking, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish money-magic, money, Paul Warburg, Socrates at 4:02 pm | Permanent Link

The Federal Reserve as a savior? Ha! The Federal Reserve actually caused The Great Depression. Furthermore, the Federal Reserve system causes inflation by default by allowing too much money to be available (i.e., whenever there is more of “x” available, it’s automatically worth less, whether it be money or pencils or cars) [1]. Also, the […]

11 April, 2015

Posted by Socrates in "Civil War", America, history, History for newbies, Jewish banking, Jewish warmongering, Lincoln, Socrates, war, war as a racket at 3:42 pm | Permanent Link

Did you know that Jews funded both sides of the “Civil War”? [1]. This ensured that, regardless of who won the war, Jews would win. [Article]. [1] e.g., the Jewish bankers August Belmont & Co., Speyer & Co., J. & W. Seligman, and Erlanger Co.

4 January, 2015

Posted by Socrates in economics, economy, Federal Reserve Notes, Federal Reserve system, fiat money, jewed culture, jewed economics, Jewish banking, Jewish money-magic, money, Socrates, Warburgs at 3:01 pm | Permanent Link

See that bill above? It looks like a regular $5 bill, but it’s not. It’s an old silver certificate. That’s real money, not a Federal Reserve Note, i.e., it’s not fiat money. Federal Reserve Notes are only pieces of paper which represent money, just like a check represents money. Thanks to Jewish banker Paul M. […]