Archive for the 'jewed education system' Category

10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "gender theory", "gender", "woke", 'gender identity', anti-family themes, anti-White themes, child abuse, child abuse via liberal propaganda, children, children and parenting, communism, Cultural Marxism, jewed education system, Marxism, public skools, Soviet America (USSA), Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union at 12:50 pm | Permanent Link

In the early Soviet Union, parents did not “own” their children, according to Marxist doctrine. Indeed, that’s what the Soviet Komsomol (youth league) was for: to “separate” the children from their parents. Children were taught to see the Communist Party as “their parents.” The state “owned” the children, for all practical purposes. Parents were just […]

10 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action vs. merit, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Cultural Marxism, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, Georg Lukacs, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed law, jewed politics, Jordan Peterson, New Left, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

What does “diversity” mean? It means “fewer White people.” Why would you want “fewer White people” in a region that Whites created (the West)? You would want more Whites, not less! Indeed, it’s very suspicious that “diversity” is only aimed at the White countries. “Diversity” isn’t being pushed onto China or India or Mexico or […]

19 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in children, children-used-for-leftist-propaganda, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed media, Jewed publishing, pornography, public skools, sexual perversion, sexualization of kids at 7:58 am | Permanent Link

In American public schools today, kids can read books that describe “penis-sucking.” That’s illegal (it’s illegal to furnish pornographic material to minors). Most of these books sound like they were written by Jews. The narratives sound Jewish-written (i.e., they’re arrogant, shameless, cosmopolitan and clearly designed to provoke). The U.S. publishing industry is also heavily-Jewish [1]. […]

11 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, Frankfurt School, Jesse Jackson, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed media, Jewed science, Jewed workplaces, Max Horkheimer, political correctness, race, race as a social construct, race baloney, Race Denial, science, Soviet propaganda, Soviet Union, technology, Western Civ courses, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 12:36 pm | Permanent Link

Instead of being neutral about racial matters, scientists are shocked and scared that AI (Artificial Intelligence) can recognize race. That speaks volumes about modern scientists. It’s as if they want to not discover racial things! Which is, of course, the case, because they know that racial matters are taboo in the West since circa the […]

20 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in homosexual themes, homosexuals, jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed language, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, jewhad, Magnus Hirschfeld at 3:03 pm | Permanent Link

If you are getting the sinking feeling that modern Western culture has been thoroughly wrecked by Jews, guess what: you’re right! Without Jews, “trannies” wouldn’t exist. “Having written an essay on Jewish ‘sexology’ in 2015, it came as no surprise that the Scientific American opened the piece by celebrating the fact this clinic, Institut füer […]

26 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed politics, Jewish nation-wrecking, NAACP, NAACP founders, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:23 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish millionaire Julius Rosenwald [1862-1932]). The civil rights movement can be called “a Jewish construct.” The founders of the NAACP were almost all Jews: Henry Moskowitz, Lillian Wald, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsh, Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, and the Spingarn brothers. The NAACP was also funded by Jews: the banker Jacob Schiff, Julius Rosenwald […]

16 May, 2021

Posted by Socrates in anthropology, Boas, Boasian Jews, Jewed academia, jewed education system, Jewed science, Jewish 'experts', Jewish 'science', Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish deceit, Jewish lies at 3:53 pm | Permanent Link

“Recently, two physical anthropologists reanalyzed Boas’s head-form data. They report that Boas — now considered the founding father of modern American anthropology — was wrong.“ “Penn State historian of science Robert Proctor says, ‘Boasians turned away from bones altogether.’ Or, as Skull Wars author Thomas states in an October 8, 2002, New York Times article […]

1 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Derrida, jewed education system, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Marxism, math, math racism, postMarxism, postmodern baloney, postmodernism, postmodernism and reality denial, Socrates, Wittgenstein at 1:54 pm | Permanent Link

“Right, wrong, facts, truth, reality — those are just words that White men toss around to oppress women and Black people. There are no such things as facts or truth or reality. Truth is relative. Nothing is absolute. If you believe it, then it’s true.” — a typical postmodernist. This is the clinical definition of […]

28 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in jewed culture, jewed education system, jewed media, jewed politics, Judeo-Left, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal 'tolerance', liberalism, liberals, Socrates, taxes, taxing Whitey, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 1:23 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: the Black and White characters in the TV series “I, Spy” circa 1965. Suddenly in the 1960s, Blacks were appearing almost everywhere on TV when previously they were never seen. This coincided with the rise of the New Left political movement). Leftism (read: Judeo-leftism) rests on three main pillars. Without those pillars, leftism would […]

13 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Cultural Marxism, feminism, Feminists, feminization of the West, jewed culture, jewed education system, racism, racism accusations, social justice, Social Justice Jihad, Social Justice Warriors (SJWs), Socrates at 11:05 am | Permanent Link

Here’s a new-to-me word: “heteropatriarchy” (from Feminist Theory 101): apparently that means “the people who created the Western world are actually running the Western world — how dare they!”) [1]. “California has struggled for five years to create a politically palatable “ethnic studies” curriculum that would teach high schoolers how systemic racism, predatory capitalism, heteropatriarchy […]