Archive for the 'jewed art' Category

10 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, White art/architecture at 11:50 am | Permanent Link

“The basic problem, as I see it, is that we are living in a time utterly devoid of real art. By that I mean art of beauty, subtlety and elevation. Sure, it still exists in museums, but almost nobody alive is now creating it. If they are, nobody cares. What is more, it didn’t just […]

19 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in art, Cultural Marxism, jewed art, jewed culture, jewed media, jewed politics, Socrates, Western culture, Western decline, When Victims Rule (book) at 1:51 pm | Permanent Link

Is the painting ugly and ridiculous? Is the “artist” worshipped in NYC and London? Then you can bet the “artist” is a Jew. Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 More [Here].

22 May, 2019

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, jewed media, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, When Victims Rule (book), White art/architecture at 11:16 am | Permanent Link

(Above: a real sculpture: “Two Sisters” by Auguste Moreau, bronze, circa 1880). Genuine art is something that a non-artist could not create. But any machinist, foundry worker or metal fabricator could create that steel rabbit which sold for much more than any Rembrandt masterpiece (a “second-class” Rembrandt was on sale in 2004 for $46 million). […]

15 May, 2018

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, modern art, Socrates at 12:29 pm | Permanent Link

“The Painted Word” (1975) by Tom Wolfe, who died on May 14th, 2018 [a .PDF file].

31 March, 2018

Posted by Socrates in jewed art, jewed culture, jewed economics, Jewish power, Jewish Question, Socrates, When Victims Rule (book), white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 2:39 pm | Permanent Link

A suggestion for WNs: copy this info onto an external drive and file it away for future reference. [Online book].

30 March, 2018

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, jewed culture, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, White art/architecture, White beauty at 12:51 pm | Permanent Link

Interesting videos here, but there’s a lot of info missing. Modern art sucks because the people who control the art world (art dealers, art critics, art gallery owners) are either Jews or liberals who hate Western (White) culture. The last thing they want to do is promote beautiful, uplifting, inspirational White art. That would make […]

21 February, 2016

Posted by Socrates in art, jewed art, modern art, Socrates at 3:21 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: de Kooning’s “art”) These aren’t masterpieces. They’re masterpiles (as in “piles of shit”). Where are the real art masterpieces? Hidden away in the attic of history, just as the New York-based art world (run by Jews) planned it. More about the art world here. [Article].

22 August, 2014

Posted by Socrates in art, Bouguereau, jewed art, jewed culture, Picasso, pop culture, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White art/architecture, White identity, White philosophy, White thought at 3:18 pm | Permanent Link

It’s interesting, but not surprising, that Bouguereau is listed as most-popular. (One art critic said that Bouguereau’s art fell out of favor with the Western public because the public’s taste “had changed.” That’s not accurate. What happened was: the people who controlled Western popular culture – i.e., Jews and leftists – changed the public’s attitude […]

23 January, 2014

Posted by Socrates in art, General Decline, genocide of White culture, jewed art, jewed culture, Socrates, Southern man, The South at 6:05 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: “art” by Jackson Pollock) Seen in a magazine: photos of a Southern businessman’s large home. It’s a beautiful house, nicely furnished, very traditional overall, but hanging on most of the interior walls are really ugly “works of art” painted by no-talent Jews like Jackson Pollock. Even the Southern man – who should know better! […]

24 November, 2012

Posted by Socrates in jewed art, jewed culture, Jewish genetics, Socrates, White philosophy, White thought, White-culture-as-superior at 11:18 pm | Permanent Link

Rabbi: “Oh, how can people say that Whites see the world through rose-colored glasses and Jews see the world through poop-colored glasses? How? How?” [Article].