Archive for the 'jew touching WN topic' Category

31 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, comedy, jew touching WN topic, video at 2:13 pm | Permanent Link

[If you want to see a jew being a jew, this is the video. The fact that it’s funny and targeted at Mexicans – well, let’s just say there are two reasons to appreciate this hilarious clip.] Dear La Voz de Aztlan Subscribers: We have received quite a lot of e-mail with information concerning Ari […]

12 March, 2006

Posted by alex in holo-factualists, holocaust racket, jew touching WN topic, movies, propaganda, VNN Staff at 4:27 pm | Permanent Link

1988/A made-for-TV movie loosely based on a true story/starring Lindsay Wagner and Randy Quaid/Written by William Schmidt/Produced by Jewish neoconservative Lionel Chetwynd and possible-Jew Steve Tisch/A review of the 2004 DVD version When you think of the word “evil,” what comes into your mind? For most people, the word brings forth thoughts of the Devil, […]

12 March, 2006

Posted by alex in authors, jew touching WN topic, media, media control, Naming the Jew, publilshing industry at 3:57 pm | Permanent Link

[Truman Capote, subject of recent Oscar-nominated movie, was the homosexual author of In Cold Blood, a masterpiece in a new genre, concerning the murder of a Kansas farm family. Capote, like any top writer, was well aware of the, uh, peculiar milieu that is New York publishing, which is to say jew/mediacontrol/print.htm, in Internetese, as […]