Archive for the 'Israeli spies' Category

27 November, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Iran, Iran sanctions, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, Israeli war crimes, Jewish power, jewish terrorists & terrorism, Jewish Tyranny, Jewish warmongering, Jewish World Revolution, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby, ZOG terrorism at 11:49 am | Permanent Link

Since Donald Trump became president, Zionist aggression has increased dramatically: Iranians murdered, more Jewish homes built in the West Bank, American sanctions on Iran tightened. (Last time I checked, Iran was located nowhere near America). The fortunes of Israel are going up, up, up, while the fortunes of Iran are going down, down, down. What […]

17 February, 2017

Posted by Socrates in genocide, genocide by jew, Irgun, Isntreal, Israel, Israel - founding of, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish chosenness, Jewish genetic diseases, Jewish genetics, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Socrates at 1:55 pm | Permanent Link

Four comments about the article: 1. America’s 2016 election wasn’t hacked. (Ballot/poll computers weren’t hacked, in other words). 2. Israel isn’t a democracy. It’s a Jewish state founded on terrorism and built on land stolen from Jordan, Egypt and Syria in 1967. 3. The Jews have been at war with humanity since at least the […]

26 January, 2015

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, jewish spies, Jewish spying accusations, Socrates, Zionism at 9:08 pm | Permanent Link

“According to the lawsuit, a small coterie of Caltech professors and administrators ignored Israeli spying and theft of taxpayer-funded U.S. technology and then retaliated against the professor for reporting it.” [Article].

3 October, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, Jewish arrogance, jewish spies, Socrates at 10:08 pm | Permanent Link

You might think that the Jews would no longer use the 2000/2001 “art student trick,” now that lots of people know about it. But then again, Jews are famous for chutzpah: [Article].

4 March, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, jewish spies, Jewish Tyranny, sayanim, Socrates, Zionism at 12:58 pm | Permanent Link

Of course Dubai is wary of Israelis. The Jews have a long history of forging passports in order to commit serious international crimes [1] – in fact, New Zealand imposed diplomatic sanctions on Israel in 2004/2005 over passport-fraud charges involving Israelis who were jailed in N.Z. and who were suspected of being Mossad agents: [Article]. […]

17 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewish criminality, jewish spies, Socrates, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 5:35 pm | Permanent Link

by Philip Giraldi: [Article].

27 September, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, Socrates, spying at 5:06 pm | Permanent Link

by Christopher Ketcham: [Article].

15 June, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Israel, Israel - the facts, Israeli spies, Jewish politicians, jewish spies, Socrates, spies at 9:17 pm | Permanent Link

Notice the mention of Jewish judge Mukasey, who is now Attorney General: [Here].