Archive for the '‘isolationism’' Category

11 March, 2019

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', interventionism vs. isolationism, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Jewish warmongering, Jewish World Revolution, Socrates, war, war as a racket, White philosophy, White thought at 3:24 pm | Permanent Link

Carolyn Yeager wrote: “It’s popular to call Nationalists “sleepwalkers”. One theory about WWI is that the world leaders “sleepwalked” into war, unaware of what they were doing and bringing on.” No, the world leaders didn’t “sleepwalk” into war. The Jews cause wars, yes. But, dare I say it, globalism causes wars even more than the […]

7 August, 2018

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', America, free trade, global citizens, global vs. local/regional, globalization, job outsourcing, jobs, memes/mottos, nation-building/nation-wrecking, politics, slogans for WNs, Socrates, sovereignty at 8:11 pm | Permanent Link

Bring back isolationism! It works! The idea that America has to trade with the entire world is ridiculous. We (America) can make almost everything we need ourselves, and for decades we did! We made everything from pens to batteries to radios to toasters to TV sets. But then came “free trade” and globalism and most […]

8 December, 2017

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', Comintern, communism, global citizens, global government, global vs. local/regional, globalization, international socialism, internationalism, Ivor Benson, Marxism, Socrates, sovereignty, Soviet Union, treaties at 1:04 pm | Permanent Link

When I took Political Science classes at college (didn’t get a degree), the very first thing I and my fellow classmates learned is that all countries have natural sovereignty. All countries have natural rights. They can make decisions for themselves, totally free from outside meddling by other countries. Yes, that’s right. Learn it and live […]

19 November, 2017

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', communism, global vs. local/regional, globalization, interventionism, interventionism vs. isolationism, jewed foreign policy, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Neocon agenda, neocon ideology, Neocons, North Korea, nuclear weapons, nukes, perpetual war for perpetual peace, Socrates, South Korea, war, war as unnecessary at 1:56 pm | Permanent Link

“America is the lone democratic superpower. Therefore, it’s our duty to meddle in every corner of the world, no matter what the cost might be.” This is the neoconservative ideology. Why is America adopting it now, in the era of Donald Trump? We should be moving away from neocon bullshit, not toward it. It’s fashionable […]

30 June, 2017

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', George Washington, interventionism, interventionism vs. isolationism, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, military, North Korea, perpetual war for perpetual peace, Socrates at 12:28 pm | Permanent Link

That fat idiot in North Korea isn’t our problem. He might be a creep, but the world is full of creeps. Is America going to fight every creepy leader on earth? Our government said that Saddam Hussein was a threat, too. Was he? Nope. America’s military does not exist to fight wars all over the […]

23 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', 'protectionism', global government, globalization, multiculturalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, NATO, New World Order, NWO, populism, propaganda, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 3:09 pm | Permanent Link

America is “expected” to go into the toilet with the rest of the Western countries via non-White immigration, multiculturalism, globalism and other scary things. To do otherwise would amount to self-preservation, but that’s apparently a sin. (Has it ever occurred to these internationalists that globalism is the reason that the world is in turmoil? Globalism […]

11 July, 2016

Posted by Socrates in 'anti-Semitism', 'isolationism', Brexit, Britain, England, EU, Europe, global citizens, global government, globalization, internationalism, Socrates at 10:36 am | Permanent Link

Globalist Jew #1: “Oh, my God! Do you realize what this could mean for Europe?” Globalist Jew #2: “Yes! Freedom could break out, followed by isolationism and anti-Semitism!” [Article].

28 June, 2016

Posted by Socrates in "war on terror", 'isolationism', Socrates, terrorism, Turkey at 4:17 pm | Permanent Link

I don’t know if this Istanbul attack was a false-flag operation or not, but if it wasn’t: world, just shut your borders. Stop allowing immigrants into your countries. You don’t need immigrants. Return to “isolationism.” There: problem solved. [Article].

26 February, 2016

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', global citizens, global government, globalization, internationalism, interventionism, interventionism vs. isolationism, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, New World Order, NWO, politics, shabbos goys, Socrates, Trump at 3:56 pm | Permanent Link

World Leader #1: “My Jewish handlers are worried, so I’m worried! They say that the world could return to isolationism and anti-immigrant bigotry because of Donald Trump!” World Leader #2: “My Jewish handlers are worried, so I’m worried! They say that the world could return to isolationism and anti-immigrant bigotry because of Donald Trump!” World […]

22 January, 2016

Posted by Socrates in 'isolationism', globalization, interventionism vs. isolationism, Israel, Israel - the facts, jewed culture, jewed foreign policy, jewed politics, Neocon agenda, neocon ideology, Neocons, New World Order, NWO, populism, Russia, Russophobia, Socrates, Trump, Zionism, Zionist lobby at 12:13 pm | Permanent Link

(Newbies, make no mistake: neocons are not conservatives. They’re Zionists and globalists who want to create a world in which America and Israel stand alone against every other country on earth. Also, the neocons want to eventually turn Russia into an eastern version of America. That will take decades, but it will happen, and then […]