Archive for the '' Category

18 October, 2008

Posted by alex in Britain, free speech,, thought crime, White martyrs at 3:23 am | Permanent Link

[received via email from lawyer Bruce Leichty] NO REMEDY FOR JAILED BRITISH “HERETICS” Los Angeles, California–(10/16/2008)–Two jailed writers who were convicted in Britain of Internet hate speech on a U.S.-based website will be forced to remain in special asylum proceedings with no right to a bail hearing, a Los Angeles Immigration Court judge ruled October […]

11 August, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'Heretical Two',, Luke O'Farrell, Socrates, White martyrs, White Nationalists at 6:18 pm | Permanent Link

Why not help them out with a few dollars? [Article].

25 July, 2008

Posted by Socrates in 'Heretical Two',, Luke O'Farrell, Socrates, White leaders, White Nationalists at 12:16 am | Permanent Link

Contact information and an update on their situation. They need words of hope and friendship. If you can, why not write to them? [VNN Forum thread].

15 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Geoff Beck,, VNN, White media at 7:23 pm | Permanent Link

The Persecution of Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell Direct mp3 download: TTIND_26.mp3 (4 MB) Podcast: Archives and Streams: Part I, Summer 2000: The sentencing of Simon Sheppard Part II, Summer 2006: The Persecution of Simon Sheppard and Luke O’Farrell

8 August, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, at 3:42 pm | Permanent Link

7 August 2006: Simon Sheppard has been charged with ten counts under the Jew “Incitement to Racial Hatred” Laws and Luke O’Farrell with two counts. Most relate to this website, including Crumb’s ‘When the Goddam Jews Take Over America’ and Rockwell’s ‘Boat Ticket to Africa.’ HERETICAL.COM [Nothing further via google.]

17 July, 2006

Posted by alex in Britain, at 5:17 pm | Permanent Link

[Why earn a Medal of Honor when shecky can get you one wholesale?] By Luke O’Farrell Spiv and Let Die Kikocracy is Kakocracy He was described as “undoubtedly the notional head of British Jewryâ€? by the Jerusalem Post. He was arrested by the British police on Wednesday. He is Michael Abraham Levy, aka “Lord Cashpointâ€?, […]

24 June, 2006

Posted by alex in at 9:31 pm | Permanent Link

The Blight of Nations Below you can see a propaganda photo from the Second World War. It shows a White British man laughing as he reads a leaflet dropped by the Luftwaffe over Britain in 1940. The leaflet is “A Last Appeal to Reason” by Adolf Hitler.Would that man still be laughing if he […]

22 May, 2006

Posted by alex in at 7:57 am | Permanent Link

That’s why one clear message rings down more than two millennia of Western history: “Jews are poison!â€? Ignoring this message has been the biggest mistake we’ve ever made and the message now sniggered behind the hands of race-traitors like Bush and Blair is: “Let them eat kike!â€? But there’s reason for hope. Jews and their […]