Archive for the 'Harvard' Category

24 April, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'White privilege', Harvard, jewed culture, jewed education system, Jewed philosophy, jewed politics, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish chosenness, Jewish deceit, Jewish genetics, Noel Ignatiev, Socrates, universities, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 9:12 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Is there anyone who hates more than a Jew? No. The racist Jew, “professor” Noel Ignatiev, wanted to “abolish the White race.” Why? Because he secretly feared it. Whites invented the world and that scared the crap out of Noel and his sneaky, rodent-like, “chosen” tribe. Ignatiev was the key founder of the term […]