Archive for the 'financial speculation' Category

7 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, capitalism, capitalism vs. free enterprise, capitalist greed/exploitation, economic cycles, economics, finance-capitalism, financial speculation, History for newbies, Hitler, Ivor Benson, Wall Street at 12:41 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, “big capitalism” and mom-and-pop free enterprise are not the same thing. Today, Wall Street investment banks (usually run by Jews) run America’s economic engine, rather than the old industrial capitalists, such as Henry Ford. In the old days, capitalism was normal “demand and supply” but Wall Street investment banks have bypassed that and it’s […]

23 March, 2022

Posted by Socrates in debt, financial speculation, jewed finance, loans, subprime loans, Wall Street at 2:20 pm | Permanent Link

Land has been a “commodity” for some time: in fact, people have bought and sold land since America was founded. But this “new asset class” on Wall Street takes land into a new era. Do we want foreign billionaires using Wall Street to engage in endless land speculation that will drive the price of land […]

15 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in capitalism, capitalism vs. free enterprise, capitalist greed/exploitation, communism, communism as a fraud, communism as a weapon against the West, financial speculation, Jewed capitalism, jewed culture, Jewed workplaces, Jewish capitalism, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, socialism, socialism-to-communism transformation at 3:13 pm | Permanent Link

Re: yesterday’s post about the Left/Right political debate (“Listening to Leftists is Tiring, or, Keeping It Simple”; Nov. 14, 2021): I often hear leftists say that “capitalism is immoral, perhaps even evil, because it exploits the worker. The capitalists get rich by exploiting the poor workers; the capitalists pay the workers peanuts while they rake […]

20 December, 2018

Posted by Socrates in Federal Reserve system, financial speculation, jewed finance, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, Jewish brain features, Jewish money-magic, stock markets, Wall Street at 3:26 pm | Permanent Link

Powerful Jew #1: “Saaaay, I’ve got a great idea: let’s tie the whole U.S. economy to the stock market! Everything could hinge on ‘the market.’ Old people could even put their retirement money into ‘the market!’” Powerful Jew #2: “That sounds perfect! It’s always safe to pin your hopes to a giant gambling operation! And […]

14 August, 2017

Posted by Socrates in bankers, banking, economics, economy, Federal Reserve system, financial speculation, Henry Ford, jewed culture, jewed economics, jewed finance, Jewish money-magic, Socrates, Wall Street at 7:08 pm | Permanent Link

Newbies, understand that financial meltdowns and “bubbles” are planned 99% of the time — in other words, the meltdowns/bubbles are not “accidents.” In fact, the Federal Reserve has a history of creating financial bubbles and up-and-down financial cycles. Such “cycling” of the economy (a.k.a. “Jews playing fast and loose with other peoples’ money”) should be […]

8 December, 2014

Posted by Socrates in ancient Rome, financial speculation, jewed economics, jewed finance, jewish speculation, Socrates, Wall Street at 4:30 pm | Permanent Link

I once read that, at some point in time in ancient Rome, it was illegal to use money in any way other than as a simple unit of exchange, i.e., you couldn’t speculate with it. I don’t know how long such a rule lasted, but that’s a good idea nonetheless. White economies need to be […]

3 June, 2012

Posted by Socrates in Big Business, Big Finance, capitalism, China, communism, David Ricardo, financial speculation, free trade, genocide of White culture, globalization, international Jewry, internationalism, jewed culture, jewed economics, liberalism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, Socrates, supercapitalism, Taiwan, Turd-World people, war, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 5:09 pm | Permanent Link

Not only does internationalism make the Western world unstable [1], but it also benefits the non-White countries. For example, if not for Jewish “free trade” and international capitalism, China would still be a third-world country, instead of a global powerhouse poised to control half the world [2]. (By the way, just wait until China tries […]

23 February, 2012

Posted by Socrates in capitalism, easy money, financial speculation, gas, globalization, internationalism, jewish speculation, money, oil, Socrates, Wall Street at 4:26 pm | Permanent Link

It’s time for Congress to ban financial speculation in important goods (food, fuel, building materials, etc.). These goods must remain affordable and available. Stop oil specjewlation. [Article].

18 October, 2011

Posted by Socrates in financial speculation, jewed culture, jewed finance, jewish speculation, Kevin MacDonald, Socrates, Wall Street at 6:00 pm | Permanent Link

It’s amazing what Jews will admit sometimes – they’re too proud to keep silent. [Article].

17 October, 2011

Posted by Socrates in Big Finance, financial speculation, Henry Ford, jewed finance, jewish speculation, Socrates, Wall Street at 9:12 pm | Permanent Link

Is this movement just a pressure-release valve, perhaps, in order to satisfy the current public anger at Wall Street, so that the anger won’t build into “anti-Semitism” against the Jews who run America’s financial sector? Regardless, if Jewish speculation and financial trickery are going to be stopped, Wall Street and related entities must be banned […]