Archive for the 'FBI informants/persuaders' Category

10 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in FBI, FBI informants/persuaders, federal government, federal informants, militias, Socrates at 10:06 am | Permanent Link

I hate it when that happens. D-oh! Remember the crazy plot to kidnap a liberal governor/attack a police building that was “uncovered” by the FBI? Well, things aren’t as they seemed (the first tip-offs were the anarchist flag and the huge, African-style “ear gauges” on one of the guys…not exactly right-wing stuff…).

8 October, 2020

Posted by Socrates in FBI, FBI informants/persuaders, federal government, federal informants, federal power, militias, Socrates at 1:25 pm | Permanent Link

Each time, the standard, anti-White FBI plan goes like this: an undercover FBI informant joins — at the urging of the FBI — a White, militia/Nazi group. Then, the informant persuades the group members to commit “X” and “Y” illegal actions, and then the FBI swoops in and arrests the White guys. Each time. Same […]