Archive for the 'environment' Category

13 March, 2017

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, environment, environmentalism, green Marxism, Socrates, War On White People, White rule is better, White thought, White vs. non-White countries, White-culture-as-superior at 5:04 pm | Permanent Link

Holy Green Marxism, dude! As if! As if brown people would be good stewards of the Earth! As if India, Mexico, Brazil and China aren’t swimming in pollution and filth! China has extremely dirty air – you can’t see the sun on some days; ditto in New Delhi, India. In Mexico, they throw their trash […]

4 September, 2010

Posted by Socrates in environment, illegal immigration, immigration, jewed culture, leftism, leftists, Socrates at 3:27 pm | Permanent Link

1. Sierra Club Donor This one is not new, but it’s still timely and it’s worth repeating: [Article]. 2. Water for Illegals How does putting water out for illegal aliens not violate the federal law prohibiting aiding/assisting illegal immigration? [Article].

17 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Denmark, environment at 2:21 pm | Permanent Link

GOING OFF-GRID by S.R. Nunnally It’s 8:10 p.m. Samso Time, Thursday, February 23, when the ferry pulls into dock at Kolby Kas after a two-hour float from Kaludborg. It’s dark…and dusty. And cold. There are no streetlights between cities, I notice, as I blindly follow the car ahead of me to the center of the […]

17 March, 2006

Posted by alex in economy, environment, Mexico, NAFTA at 12:22 am | Permanent Link

This is pure treason. Call it NAFTA, free trade, what you will, it is nothing but a pure treasonous sell out of the interests of American citizens. The idea of letting in shitskins, the humanic weeds called Mexicans, and letting in their filthy, farting trucks – no honest leader would dream of allowing such. The […]