Archive for the 'Congressmen' Category

18 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Celler, Celler Rights Laws, Celler Rights Violations, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, civil rights movement, Congress, Congressmen, Hart-Celler Act of 1965, immigration, immigration bills/laws, jewed Congress, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewish nation-wrecking at 1:43 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Jewish congressman Emanuel Celler [1888-1981]. Celler was a very key player in the destruction of America from 1964-onward. “As Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee for all but two years between 1949 and 1973, he ushered through the House the major civil rights movement legislation of the era.” — Wikipedia, March 2021. How this […]

13 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Congress, Congressmen, conservatism, conservatives, conservatives as losers and wimps, liberal power in America, liberalism, liberals, Nixon, Socrates, Supreme Court, Supreme Court justices, taxes, taxing Whitey at 12:39 pm | Permanent Link

One day, my dad came home from work and said that he had gotten a pay raise. But he didn’t seem very happy about it. When asked why, he said, “sure, I will earn more now, but the raise bumps me into a higher tax bracket. So I will pay more in taxes. So the […]

31 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", Black Jesuses, black leaders, Congress, Congresscritters, Congressmen, Cultural Marxism, illegal immigration, immigration, Socrates, Trump, Trump and Making America Great Again, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia at 11:20 am | Permanent Link

Rep. John Lewis was like Jesus, only better: he was Black! America has a long line of Black Jesuses: Martin Luther King Jr., Thurgood Marshall, Rosa Parks, Medgar Evers, just recently, George Floyd, and now Rep. John Lewis. You know your White country is in deep trouble when 3 former American presidents “honor” a dead, […]

18 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", 'Black Lives Matter', black leaders, Blacks in America, Blacks in Congress, Congress, Congresscritters, Congressmen, conservatism, conservatives, conservatives as losers and wimps, cuckservatives, leftism, leftists, liberalism, liberals, Marxism, Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 5:31 pm | Permanent Link

“Rep. John Lewis was a Black Jesus!” the White men say. No, he wasn’t. He was an uppity, angry, subversive negro who never should have been allowed into Congress in the first place. Seen on the web: endless examples of dead-negro-fellating by White men who know better. Here are a few examples: [Here].

18 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black leaders, Black Privilege, Blacks in America, Blacks in Congress, communism, Congress, Congresscritters, Congressmen, Highlander Folk School, Marxism, Sandinistas, Socrates at 10:47 am | Permanent Link

(Above: Rep. John Lewis. It’s hard to believe that this idiot became a Congressman). As chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, the future negro Rep. John Lewis (1940-2020) was a bigshot at the “historic” March On Washington in 1963, an event that was organized by the homosexual, Black communist Bayard Rustin. In 1960, Lewis […]

25 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'transgender', Big Government, California, Congress, Congressmen, coronavirus, Coronavirus media hysteria, leftism, leftist/liberal cruelty, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, Liberalization Of Everything, liberals, liberals as bullies, Socrates, Trump, Trumpphobia at 10:55 am | Permanent Link

(Late edit: the post’s title has been edited to read “Bill” since it is not yet a law) I’ve said it before: liberals will politicize anything. Yes, anything. In fact, liberals are born to be political. They’re born complainers. They challenge every idea, every tradition and every value. Did you hear about the liberal baby? […]

18 March, 2020

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', Asia, Asians, Congress, Congressmen, coronavirus, gooks/chinks/slants/yellows, race, race and health, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, Trump, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, xenophobia at 10:33 am | Permanent Link

Don’t call Coronavirus what it is! That would be truthful! And it could lead to racism and xenophobia against slants! (Too late: there’s already racism and xenophobia against squints). Note for newbies: Jews and other non-Whites fear “official racism” (such as from a president, a congressman, etc.) much more than regular racism. [Article].

30 September, 2019

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", "Civil War", America, America as Wonderland, America the White nation, Congress, Congressmen, constitution, constitutional rights, George Wallace, history, History for newbies, Reconstruction, Republicans, Socrates, Trump, Trump's policies, Trumpphobia at 12:07 pm | Permanent Link

Just after the so-called “Civil War” (it was actually the War for Southern Independence, which was fought from 1861-1865), the U.S. government was in shambles. It was broken and was being run by usurpers and retards. This era was known as Reconstruction. It was a 12-year, nightmarish period of government by illegal rule and by […]

2 May, 2019

Posted by Socrates in Abbie Hoffman, Congress, Congressmen, counterculture, jewed Congress, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewish arrogance, Saul Alinsky, Socrates, Trump's policies, Trump-as-a-fascist, Trumpphobia, Yippies at 3:59 pm | Permanent Link

Someone’s been reading Saul and Abbie! See the “chicken photos” in the article. This is sometimes known as political theater or guerilla theater, and was pioneered by Jewish political activists such as Abbie Hoffman and Jerry Rubin in the late 1960s. Here, the bold chicken-eater is a Jewish congressman named Cohen. The very idea that […]

24 February, 2019

Posted by Socrates in America, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, Congress, Congresscritters, Congressmen, Puerto Rico, socialism, Socrates, women and 'equality', Women Politicians at 1:50 pm | Permanent Link

Yeah, then I can adopt a cool name like “Gonzales-Rodriguez-Hernandez-Gonzales-Garcia-Rodriguez.” Anyway, you’ve heard of Charles Dickens’ “The Artful Dodger”? Well, she’s “the Artful Lodger.” Get it? [Article].