Archive for the 'conformity' Category

20 June, 2009

Posted by Socrates in Big Finance, conformity, credit cards, debt, jewed finance, Socrates at 10:45 pm | Permanent Link

Credit cards = Jews get rich from them while Mexican and negro clerks routinely steal card info. But it’s really tough to live without a credit card today. For example, try renting a car or a hotel room without one. You’re locked into it, White man: [VNN Forum thread].

1 April, 2008

Posted by Stan in 9/11, advertising, Alex Linder, America, AmeriKwa, Big Lie, conformity, dispossession & destruction, eye reprocessing, fake opposition, false flags, false-flag operations, Fox News for Children, fraud, frauds, General Decline, genocide by jew, genocide of White culture, good for jews, health, jew, jew frauds, jew mentality, Jew World Order, jewed culture, jews in America, Jews in government, jews jewing jewily, media, media control, media criticism, medicine, multiculturalism, New World Order, news, politics, tools, traitors, treason, tv, tv analysis, USA PATRIOT Act, Viacom, war, war as a racket, war crimes, War On Israel's Enemies, WTC demolition at 6:20 pm | Permanent Link

WHY AMERICANS WILL BELIEVE ALMOST ANYTHING – by Tim O’Shea It is an exhausting and endless task to keep explaining to people how most issues of conventional wisdom are scientifically implanted in the public consciousness by a thousand media clips per day. In an effort to save time, I would like to provide just a […]

21 March, 2006

Posted by alex in bourgeois, conformity, conservatives, cowardice, Jewish Tyranny, respectability - the paste jewel at 9:18 pm | Permanent Link

C’mon… The jews got it locked up. What are you gonna do? Fight city hall? I didn’t sell out, son, I bought in.

19 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, Christians, conformity, jew-led smear campaigns at 1:46 am | Permanent Link

There’s none so brave as the “good” Christian anonym, the leftist punk with his head wrapped up, bravely “exposing” hate, as defined by the dictatorship they smithers for. Unlike Smithers, these fools don’t realize they have a boss, and don’t get paid. They’re doing what they think is the lord’s work, without ever realizing they […]

11 March, 2006

Posted by alex in Alex Linder, conformity, General Decline at 2:58 pm | Permanent Link

Don’t ask questions. We hear it from Ari Fleischer, from corporate advisers, from school textbooks. Everything urges us to be team players and leave the decisions to the adults – the jews. They know what’s best for us, even though their “religious” text says “even the best of the goyim should be killed.” Not only […]