Archive for the 'communism in Australia' Category

23 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communal living, communism, communism in America, communism in Australia, communism-as-Jewish, kahal, Marx, Marx and England, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White at 10:13 am | Permanent Link

“To the first group must now be added Marxism – a creed, like the others, of violence, a religion derived ultimately from Judaism.” -— from the book “East and West” (New York; Mentor Books, 1965) by British historian C. Northcote Parkinson, p. 241. It’s popular for Jews and leftists to deny that communism is Jewish. […]

20 September, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Australia, communism, communism in Australia, Covid as a cult, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Marxism, Soviet Union at 2:26 pm | Permanent Link

“The Red Kangaroo” (thanks, CountryBoy88). Indeed, Stalin would love the current Australia: gun bans, Covid lockdowns, checkpoints, forcing the citizens to eat liverwurst…

16 January, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Australia, communism, communism in Australia, communism-as-Jewish, Marxism, Socrates at 3:23 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Jewish communist Laurence “Laurie” Aarons, the National Secretary of the Communist Party of Australia). Wait a second: “Criminals”?? Nahhh. Don’t they mean, uhhhm, “social reformers”? “Revolutionaries”? “Progressives”? Communism (“Russians” here) in Australia was heavily Jewish — big surprise, I know [1]. Lots of Jewish names in [Here, a .PDF file]. . [1] key Jews […]