Archive for the 'communism as good' Category

30 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'hate', 'hate' haters, C. Northcote Parkinson, Che Guevara, communism, communism as good, David Duke, Marxism at 12:31 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Ernesto “Che” Guevara (1928-1967), a violent, asthmatic loser who was turned into a hero by the media; this photo was taken by accident [unplanned] in 1960 by Alberto Korda, and it’s known as “Guerrillero Heroico”; Che never looked that good in real life and the photo is truly an oddity, a one-in-a-million image). I […]

11 August, 2021

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as a weapon against the West, communism as good, communism-as-Jewish, communist brutality, communists getting away with murder, Cultural Marxism, Germany, Karl Marx, Marx, Marxism, political correctness at 4:24 pm | Permanent Link

“In May 2018, the German postal service released a postage stamp to commemorate the 200th birthday of Karl Marx.” I did not know this. Why did the German government do that? Marx was a horrible person. His “communism” killed tens-of-millions of people and destroyed many countries. Consider this: a man who is responsible for more […]

18 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as good, communism-as-Jewish, Germany, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Hitlerphobia, Jewish behavior versus White behavior, jewish hate & hypocrisy, Jewish lies, Karl Radek, Marxism, Marxism as anti-White, Rosa Luxemburg, Socrates at 10:54 am | Permanent Link

(Above: the Jewish millionaire Samuel Untermyer [1858-1940] circa 1904) Contrary to what your schoolteachers told you, the Jews declared war on Germany, not vice-versa. Adolf Hitler had just been appointed chancellor in 1933 when the Jews, led by the Jewish fanatic and millionaire, Samuel Untermyer, launched a global, economic “war” on Germany [1]. Hitler had […]

29 November, 2016

Posted by Socrates in America, America-the-sitcom, Castro, communism, communism as good, communist brutality, Cuba, history, History for newbies, Hitler, Socrates at 2:15 pm | Permanent Link

Why would the U.S. attend a communist thug’s funeral? It only makes him look “legitimate.” Why would you want to make him look like a legitimate leader? After all, Castro wasn’t legitimately elected or appointed as the leader of Cuba (contrast that to Adolf Hitler, who was legitimately appointed chancellor). [Article].

2 September, 2016

Posted by Socrates in communism, communism as good, global citizens, global government, globalization, internationalism, Marxism, nation-building/nation-wrecking, nationalism, NATO, New World Order, NWO, Serbia, Serbs, Socrates, UN at 2:00 pm | Permanent Link

“We need a system of enforceable world law” — said the late TV news icon Walter Cronkite. Sure, you wanted that, Cronkite, because “a system of world law” cancels out nationalism and sovereignty! Right, Walter?? It’s left-wing, enforced, heavy-handed internationalism; in other words, communism. Well, the UN tried the One World thing, but it didn’t […]

23 October, 2015

Posted by Socrates in Britain, communism, communism as good, communist brutality, England, jewed culture, Marxism, National Socialism, Slovo, Socrates, Western decline at 4:33 pm | Permanent Link

England, what happened to ye? Two Jewish communists have a plaque which honors them in London. Why? Is England a communist country? Nope. Then why the plaque? You can imagine the outcry if two Nazis had a plaque honoring them, yet communism has killed far, far more people than Nazism (roughly 90 million victims worldwide). […]