Archive for the 'Blacks abusing White technology' Category

3 October, 2021

Posted by Socrates in black crime, black culture, black health vs. white health, Black IQ, black thugs matter, blacks, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America at 7:04 pm | Permanent Link

Seriously. No fooling. Why? They contribute…uhhh…what to the world? Burglary? Rape? Pimping? Crack cocaine? Street gangs? Decaying cities? “Muh dick” culture? What do they contribute to mankind? As near as I can tell, nothing. As near as I can tell, Black people are a waste of space, a waste of money, a huge burden on […]

19 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'White privilege', 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black crime, black culture, Black mentality, black nationalism, Black racism, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks in America, Cultural Marxism, culture of critique, Socrates, War On Normal, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 2:03 pm | Permanent Link

Those of you who doubted that there was “a war on White people” in America: you need doubt no more. Here’s proof that there is such a war. The gloves are off. The Cultural Marxists are already on the battlefield. There really is a war on White people. How long will it be before wholesale […]

8 March, 2021

Posted by Socrates in Africa, Black invasion of Western world, Black IQ, blacks, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Socrates at 10:45 am | Permanent Link

In Black Africa, the average IQ is 75. In Black America, the average IQ is 85. In White America and the Western world, the average IQ is 100. More trivia: for safety reasons, airplanes from Ghana are banned from entering U.S. airspace. (Although not an African country, airplanes from the Black island of Curacao [in […]

27 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in apartheid, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black IQ, black rule, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as child-like, Blacks as worthless, IQ, Joe Slovo, Socrates, South Africa at 12:01 pm | Permanent Link

(Above: Port Elizabeth City Hall; if you think Blacks built this, you’re cracked; wonder how long it will take the Blacks to raze this building due to its “colonial Whiteness”?). So, a White-built city in South Africa (Port Elizabeth) has a new, spear-chucker name that no White people can pronounce! Saaaay, that’s progress. Apparently, in […]

15 December, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Black 'professionals', Black achievement, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Blacks abusing White technology, brown culture, Brown Man, brown rule, human equality, modernity, Socrates, technology, UN, UN founders, UNESCO, White identity, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White technology, White thought at 11:48 am | Permanent Link

(Old saying: “The problem with progress is that they didn’t know when to stop”). I made a post, in January 2020, about “Black and Brown people abusing White technology” (e.g., using cellphones to make drug deals). But that example is merely criminal. The situation concerning White technology use by Browns is more serious than that. […]

14 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'White supremacist', 'White supremacy' accusations, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, black culture, Black geniuses, Black inventions, Black IQ, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Socrates at 2:55 pm | Permanent Link

Zounds, I think I’m a White supremacist — unless there’s a Black equivalent of Newton, Edison, Tesla and John Moses Browning. Is there? (Nope). Warning Sign Number 6: “You know your father.” Indeed. Most Blacks don’t know what a “father” is! “What dat be??”

11 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in "cancel culture"/censorship, 'Black Lives Matter', America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, Black mentality, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as a failed race, Brown immigrant arrogance, Brown Man, Jewish radicals, jewish revolutionaries, Marxism, Marxism and equality, Marxism as anti-White, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western preservation ideas, White inventions, White philosophy, White thought at 12:45 pm | Permanent Link

Fellow White men of America: I’m writing to you to make sure that you understand an important concept concerning us. In fact, your understanding of it, or not, could literally mean life or death for all of us. It concerns the future of America (and therefore the future of the West, as you shall see […]

3 July, 2020

Posted by Socrates in Africa, African dictators, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, colonialism in Africa, Socrates at 10:37 am | Permanent Link

White people once ruled about 25 countries in Africa [1][2]. But by 1980, most of the White people had left Africa and, of course, the Blacks took over — with horrifying and deadly results; Blacks have no business running donut shops, let alone entire countries. Here’s a list of Black horrors. . [1] South Africa […]

26 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in 'Black Lives Matter', 'White privilege', 'White racism' myth, 'White supremacy' accusations, Black Cities, black culture, Black mentality, blacks, Blacks abusing White technology, Blacks in America, racism, racism accusations, Socrates, White inventions at 11:05 am | Permanent Link

Tyronicus Jones, of New York City, is a young negro, and he is also the leader of an organization called Black Felons Matter. Tyronicus is standing in his bedroom, talking to God: Tyronicus: “I hate White people, God! In fact, I wish that White people had never existed!” God: “Really?” Tyronicus: “Damn straight!” God: “Well…okay.” […]

10 June, 2020

Posted by Socrates in black arrogance, black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Privilege, Black rioting, Blacks abusing White technology, Brown Man, democracy, democrazy, free speech, media, media control, media-ocracy, Socrates, Western aid to Africa, Western aid to the Turd World, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, White inventions, white nationalism, White philosophy, White thought at 4:24 pm | Permanent Link

White people gave the world four vitally important things: 1. Democracy 2. The printing press 3. The concept of free speech 4. The personal computer Those four things, combined, gave more humans more freedom than any other inventions in history! To put it another way: Whites, far from being evil racist oppressors, are the godfathers […]