Archive for the 'Black intellectuals' Category

7 January, 2022

Posted by Socrates in Black 'professionals', Black 'sirs', Black achievement, Black intellectuals, Black-worship by Whites, blacks, Hollywood at 4:05 pm | Permanent Link

The Black actor Sidney Poitier, who starred in three, yes, three race-baiting movies in 1967, has died at age 94 [1]. He was the first Black Hollywood star — unless you count Al Jolson! (*rimshot* heh-heh). How did negroes become “sirs”? Simple. When Jewish Hollywood and the Jewish publishing industry started calling them “sirs.” Bottom […]

14 August, 2015

Posted by Socrates in black icons, Black intellectuals, intellectuals, Marx, Marxism, Socrates at 5:38 pm | Permanent Link

Is there such a thing as a Black intellectual? If a negro reads Sartre or Foucault, he’ll develop a bigger brain? Is that how it works? Actually, it’s discrediting enough to be called an “intellectual,” i.e., a confused, over-thinking/over-analyzing, egotistical, friendless bookworm who wants to “shake up the world” (like Karl Marx did), who wants […]