Archive for the 'Big Labor' Category

15 May, 2014

Posted by Socrates in Big Business, Big Labor, labor, pensions, retirement, Socrates, stock markets, stocks and bonds, Wall Street at 5:06 pm | Permanent Link

This article is from 2008, but nonetheless, I did not know that a significant percentage (60%) of worker pension plans are tied into the stock market, which is basically a gambling network. If anything bad happens in the stock market, your retirement savings could be in serious trouble. [Article].

15 February, 2014

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, jewed culture, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, labor, labor unions, leftists, liberals, mafia, Socrates, The South at 9:27 pm | Permanent Link

Well, boo-hoo. Questions: why did General Motors go bankrupt? Why do many things in America (like groceries or tools) cost 20% more than they should? Why have many American jobs gone off-shore? Answer: labor unions. Not only do they make things cost more, but they artificially shrink the labor pool in union states (and even […]

19 February, 2011

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, jewed culture, jewed politics, leftism, leftists, Roosevelt, Socrates at 2:49 pm | Permanent Link

Roosevelt staffer and labor-union “co-godfather” Sidney Hillman, a Jew, pioneered the idea of using labor unions – especially union money – for political purposes. So today, unions and left-wing politics are inseparable, like two peas in a pod. Thanks, Sid! Hillman must be smiling in his grave now as union political power closes down the […]

7 September, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, economics, economy, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, Jewed workplaces, jobs, labor unions, Rust Belt, Socrates, unions at 1:37 pm | Permanent Link

The ghost of Sam Gompers says: “How can anybody who hates White people not like my labor unions? I mean, you got everything at once. You got goyim butting heads with goyim. You got higher retail prices. You got fewer jobs available. You got thousands of factories bankrupt. You got left-wing politics funded by union […]

27 January, 2010

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, BNP, Socrates, unions at 4:08 pm | Permanent Link

Big surprise. Labor unions are full of Jews. In fact, the American labor union network could be called “Jewish-built”: [Article].

15 December, 2008

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, jewed culture, jewed politics, labor, labor unions, Socrates at 2:12 pm | Permanent Link

Jews have an unusual talent for pioneering movements that pit gentiles against each other, and big labor is an example of that. Now that the automobile industry is in financial trouble, let’s revisit the topic of who made labor unions into what they are today: [Here]. More about unions: [Here].

27 October, 2007

Posted by Socrates in Big Labor, business, capitalism, economy, history, jewed culture, labor unions, Socrates at 5:52 pm | Permanent Link

Labor unions – as we know them today, at least – probably wouldn’t exist if not for two Jewish labor activists: Samuel Gompers (1850-1924) and Sidney Hillman (1887-1946). Those men could be called the “architects” of organized labor in America. Other powerful, Jewish labor figures were David Dubinsky (1892-1982) and Jackie Presser (1926-1988) [1]. About […]