Archive for the 'America as a ‘melting pot’' Category

2 April, 2022

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, Soviet states, Soviet Union, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 4:55 pm | Permanent Link

“Talk about that regime today and you’re talking about Communism. Actually, it’s even worse than that. The Soviets, once the more radical Jews there were out of power, didn’t do everything they could to stop their own citizens from reproducing. They didn’t tell their citizens that men can be women and women can be men […]

11 December, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, Covid as a cult, Covid Derangement Syndrome, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 lockdowns, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, jewed culture, jewed law, jewed politics, New Left at 4:10 pm | Permanent Link

Covid-19 hysteria has taken over America. Even people who we thought were logical and sensible have gotten their thinking twisted around by endless Covid lies. They’ve become totalitarians who demand that everybody be vaccinated 5 times (next month it’ll be 7 times, plus double-face-mask mandates). Why is Covid hysteria so rampant? Why do people hate […]

23 November, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, America-the-sitcom, Bork, civic nationalism, FAEM website, nationalism, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline, Western philosophy at 8:29 am | Permanent Link

“Civic nationalism” is for people who are either in denial about race, or lying about race. America is a White Western country (or it was) and that’s the only thing that will keep America “America” (as Robert Bork said) [1]. America’s large cities (e.g., New York, Los Angeles) are no longer Western. They are only […]

31 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in "civil rights", "liberation" movements led by Jews, America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, America's founders, America's future, America-the-sitcom, Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1968, Cultural Marxism, Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, Fourteenth Amendment, War On White Males, War On White People at 11:43 am | Permanent Link

“What needs to be said is that American culture is Eurocentric, and it must remain Eurocentric or collapse into meaninglessness. Standards of European and American origin are the only possible standards that can hold our society together and keep us a competent nation.” — from the book “Slouching Towards Gomorrah” (New York; ReganBooks, 1996) by […]

4 July, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America as an arm of world Jewry, America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom at 2:25 pm | Permanent Link

You raise your clenched, right fist and say: “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the fifty states of equality and to the hordes for which it stands, ten races, under Marxism, divided, with slavery and persecution for Whites.”

29 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', immigration at 10:44 pm | Permanent Link

Question: if America is such a racist country (“full of White rednecks”), why does every Black and Brown person in the entire world want to immigrate to America? Obviously, America isn’t a racist country. In fact, since 1970, racism has hardly existed. Because White people are too damn nice.

27 June, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', black behavior, black behavior vs. white behavior, Black Cities, black crime, black violence, blacks, Blacks as a failed race, Blacks as worthless, Blacks in America, Diversity, diversity is hate, multiculturalism, Race Denial, race riots, racial differences, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 11:37 am | Permanent Link

When I began reading this article, I had a funny feeling that it was gonna be good. And it is. In fact, everyone who reads this article: please send it to 5 White people who you know: friends, relatives, etc. It contains good, if depressing, points about race in America. Bottom line: Black people are […]

27 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, America's future, America-the-sitcom, Western civilization, Western culture, Western decline at 10:54 am | Permanent Link

In Brown households, it’s common to have 8 or more related people living under one roof: grandparents, uncles, aunts, parents, kids. But in White households? Not so much: it’s usually just the “immediate nuclear family”: a father, a mother, and 2 kids. (The nuclear family is a White Western thing and has been since circa […]

13 April, 2021

Posted by Socrates in America, America as a 'melting pot', America the White nation, Brown Man, dispossession & destruction, Diversity, diversity is hate, immigration, immigration bills/laws, slants, slavery, Socrates, War On White Males, War On White People at 10:41 am | Permanent Link

The racial floodgates were opened at Ellis Island, New York circa 1892, when immigrants came pouring into America. But before that, America wasn’t very diverse. Derbyshire does us a disservice when he says “These United States were diverse from the start. We’ve always had to deal with racial diversity as best we can.” For the […]

20 February, 2021

Posted by Socrates in 'Native Americans', America, America as a 'melting pot', America as Wonderland, America-the-sitcom, egalitarianism, human equality, Navajo, Socrates at 12:10 pm | Permanent Link

One of the key features of a civilization is: having a written language. A state government agency sent me an unwanted letter (i.e, the letter contained no money, heh-heh). It mentioned that, if I needed it, the agency could provide language translations for me in some 20 different languages, including: Korean, Chinese, Persian/Farsi, American Negro, […]