A List of Bolsheviks

A List of Bolsheviks in Russia, 1917-Onward

The few non-Jewish officials in the list below are specifically noted as being not Jewish. (Note on name spellings: Russian names are spelled differently depending upon the source, e.g., Yoffe is also spelled Ioffe and sometimes Joffe; Grigory is sometimes Grigori or even Grigorii).

(Importantly, both V. I. Lenin and Joe Stalin were criminals before they became the leaders of the Soviet Union. In that sense, the Soviet Union was the world’s first criminal state, and an illegitimate state as well; America should have never recognized the Soviet Union as “legitimate” in 1933 — F.D. Roosevelt was an idiot for doing that).

1. Vladimir I. Lenin (1870-1924): first Premier of the USSR; Marxist theoretician; a lawyer; founder of the Bolsheviks (1903); dictator of early Bolshevik regime; founder of the Comintern; author of the Marxist handbook “State and Revolution”; Lenin was one-quarter Jewish.

2. Joseph Stalin (1879-1953): an early Bolshevik; supreme dictator of Soviet Union from 1927-1953. After V. Lenin’s death, and prior to 1927, the Bolshevik regime was run by a triumvirate composed of Zinoviev, Kamenev, and Stalin. Stalin was the editor of the Bolshevik newspaper, Pravda (“Truth”). Stalin, like Lenin, was married to a Jewess. Stalin was not a vigorous supporter of forcing Communism upon other countries — unlike Trotsky — a feature which likely prevented a Soviet assault upon various Western countries. [Not Jewish].

3. Yakov Mikhalovich Sverdlov (1885-1919): member, “Revolutionary Military Center”; member, Central Committee; close buddy of Lenin; aided Lenin with Lenin’s political theories; Sverdlov ordered the bloody massacre of the Czar and his family in 1918; the girls were each bayoneted. Sverdlov succeeded Kamenev and became the second Jewish president of the so-called “Soviet Republic.” He was involved in the 1905 Russian revolution, which, like the 1917 revolution, was Jewish-led. Sverdlov was the first, de facto leader of the Soviet Union and he was politically so important that the Soviet Union likely would not have existed without him, even though he died very early, before the Soviet Union actually came into existence in 1922; prior to that it was known as the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic [RSFSR]).

4. Leon Trotsky (aka Bronstein) (1879-1940): Trotsky was a Menshevik; was Commissar of Foreign Affairs; supreme commander of the Soviet Red Army; member of Politburo; he rebelled against Stalin and his supporters and was murdered by Stalin for that reason. Trotsky strongly advocated the idea of global — not local — Marxist revolution.

5. Lazar M. Kaganovich (1893-1991): a prime director of mass-murder for Stalin; held a series of vocations, including commissar of transport, heavy industry and the fuel industry; a Politburo member; he was Stalin’s brother-in-law and also his chief advisor; many execution orders bore Kaganovich’s signature, evidence that he had the power to order the deaths of civilians. During the 1930s, he was in charge of the deportations of “enemies of the state” to Siberia; was nicknamed the “Wolf of the Kremlin” because of his penchant for violence. He was considered by many to be the most powerful and important man under Stalin. Died of old age in Moscow.

6. Grigory Zinoviev (aka Apfelbaum; aka Radomyslsky) (1883-1936): great pal of Lenin; member of the Central Committee; chairman of the Comintern; member of Politburo; executive of secret police; first president of the Third International; A. Lunacharsky called him “one of the principal counsellors of our Central Committee and (he) belongs unquestionably to the four or five men who constitute the political brain of the Party.”

7. Grigori Y. Sokolnikov (real name Hirsch Brilliant; 1888-1939): a Bolshevik; friend of Trotsky; Commissar of Finance; a diplomat; member of the “Left Opposition”; Soviet ambassador to England; creator of the “chervonetz,” the first stable Soviet currency; was part of “Russian” delegation that signed the Brest-Litovsk treaty in 1918; member of the Central Committee and Politburo.

8. Moisei Uritsky (1873-1918): Uritsky was a Menshevik; chief of the Petrograd Cheka, in which capacity he ordered many people who opposed Communism to be executed as “counter-revolutionaries”; Commissar for Internal Affairs in the Northern Region; the commissar of the Constituent Assembly; member of the Central Committee; a member of the “Revolutionary Military Center.”

9. Felix Dzherzhinsky (1877-1926): a Pole; a high-strung fanatic; founder/director of the Cheka (All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for Combating Counter-Revolution and Sabotage), which was later renamed the State Political Directorate (GPU), which later became the OGPU and then the NKVD (Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs); member, Central Committee; Commissar of Transport. [Not Jewish, but philosemitic].

10. Maxim Litvinov (aka Wallakh) (1876-1951): Soviet foreign minister/diplomat/ambassador; in 1933, he persuaded the United States to recognize the Communist Soviet government as “legit” — thanks, in part, to America’s president F. D. Roosevelt being part-Jewish; first chairman, State Committee on the Anthem (official musical anthems).

11. Lavrenti Beria (1899-1953): member of the Cheka; later became head of the Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) in Georgia, then later the NKVD proper. Beria had large numbers of prisoners executed; was involved in the Atomic Bomb project in the USSR; [Not Jewish, but philosemitic].

12. Sergei M. Kirov (1886-1934); early Bolshevik; member of the Politburo; Secretary of the Central Committee; Communist Party boss in Leningrad. Stalin used Kirov’s murder in 1934 to justify the party purges and treason trials of the late 1930s. [Not Jewish].

13. Nikolai V. Krylenko (1885-1938): an early Bolshevik; member of editorial board of Pravda; member of the executive committee of the Petrograd Soviet; famous chess player; member of the Communist Party Central Committee; a military commissar; as President of the Supreme Tribunal he prosecuted most political trials in the 1920s; in 1931, Stalin appointed Krylenko Commissar of Justice; he was involved in the convictions of many Communist Party members during the Great Purges. [Not Jewish].

14. Karl Radek (aka Sobelsohn) (1885-1939); early revolutionary; old confidante of Lenin; member of the Central Committee; an “international” Communist activist; a key player in the creation of the Comintern; a writer for the Soviet government newspaper Izvestia; participated in the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations with Germany; he also was active in Germany, working with Jewish-German Communist Rosa Luxemburg.

15. Viacheslav I. Molotov (1890-1986): early Bolshevik; helped found Pravda newspaper; head of the Ukrainian Communist Party; member of the Politburo; Commissar for Foreign Affairs; headed a Politburo commission to “eliminate the kulaks as a class.” [Apparently not Jewish but philosemitic; his wife was Jewish, named Zhemchuzina].

16. Vladimir Antonov-Ovseenko (1884-1939): a former Menshevik; Chief of Political Administration of the Red Army; an unofficial ambassador to Czechoslovakia and Poland; Commissar for Military Affairs in Petrograd; Commissar of War; led the Red Army invasion of the Ukraine; led the attack on the Winter Palace; editor of the Menshevik “Nashe Slovo” newspaper.

17. Yakov (Jacob) Yurovsky (1878-1938): a watchmaker by trade; head of Ekaterinburg Cheka; “Commissar of Justice” for Ural Regional Soviet; the leader of the Bolshevik squad that carried out the murders of Czar Nicholas II and his family in 1918. The murder of mild-mannered Nicholas was carried out almost completely by Jews, including Goloshchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov, Voikov, in addition to Yurovsky.

18. Grigory Sergo Ordzhonikidze (1886-1937); member of the Politburo; Commissar for Heavy Industry; helped solidify Bolshevik power in Armenia and Georgia; Chairman of the Caucasus Central Committee of the Communist Party; First Secretary of the Transcaucasian Communist Party Committee; Chairman of the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party; became Stalin’s top economic official. [Not Jewish].

19. Genrikh (Henry) Yagoda (1891-1938); a Polish Jew; former Cheka member; an officer in SMERSH, the Ninth Division of the OGPU, its liquidation arm; People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs; chief of the NKVD; also in charge of gulag forced-labor camps. Developing fast-acting poisons was a Yagoda hobby; he created a laboratory for that purpose.

20. Lev Kamenev (aka Rosenfeld; (1883-1936); member of the Central Committee; Chairman of the Moscow Soviet; member of Politburo; author of Marxist handbook “The Dictatorship of the Proletariat,” 1920; was elected first President of the new Bolshevik government, aka the “Soviet Republic” (Lenin was Premier); was married to Trotsky’s sister.

21. Anatoly V. Lunacharsky (1875-1933); an early Marxist; Commissar for Education and Enlightenment; League of Nations ambassador; key player in persuading Russian workers to support the Bolshevik Revolution; was an author – wrote the “Revolutionary Silhouettes” of top Bolshevik pals; [an illegitimate child but apparently not Jewish].

22. Fedor (Theodore) Dan (1871-1947): was a Menshevik; was a member of the editorial board of the Menshevik journal “Iskra”; was author of the book “The Origins of Bolshevism” (1943), where he claimed that Bolshevism had been chosen by history to be “the carrier of socialism”; but he was actually an opponent of most Bolshevik ideas; he was sent into exile in 1921 after being arrested; he was married to Menshevik leader Julius Martov’s sister.

23. Nikolai Bukharin (1888-1938): Lenin’s chief Marxist theorist; general secretary/chairman of the Comintern; member of the Politburo; member, Central Committee; he was editor of Pravda and also Izvestia, a political newspaper; led, with Rykov, the “Right Opposition” to defend the NEP (New Economic Policy); [Not Jewish].

24. Nikolai Yezhov (1895-1939): early Bolshevik; served in various capacities in the Cheka, GPU, and OGPU; was military commissar in various Red Army units; was G. Yagoda’s deputy; People’s Commissar of Internal Affairs; head of NKVD; was deputy People’s Commissar of Agriculture for the USSR.

25. Mikhail I. Kalinin (1875-1946); early Bolshevik; cofounder of the newspaper Pravda; nominal, “puppet” president of Soviet Union until 1946; replaced Sverdlov as Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Communist Party; Chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR. [Not Jewish].

26. Isaac Steinberg (1888-1957); a lawyer; Commissar of Justice. Later brought Jewish-flavored radicalism to Australia. Technically not a Bolshevik, but a Socialist Revolutionary Party member. (Why was he allowed into Australia?).

27. Alexei Rykov (1881-1938); Premier of Soviet Union until 1930; member of Lenin’s Politburo; Commissar of the Interior; Chairman of the Supreme Council of National Economy; Chairman of the Council of People’s Commissars; led the “Right Opposition” with Bukharin to defend the NEP (New Economic Policy). [Not Jewish].

28. Matvei D. Berman (1898-1939): chief of the gulag prison system and Deputy Commissar of the NKVD; brother of Boris.

29. Naftaly Frenkel (1883-1960): a director of the gulag prison camp system; was works chief/head overseer of the one-hundred-and-forty-mile-long Belomor (Baltic-White Sea) canal project in Russia, a canal linking the White Sea and the Baltic, built from 1931–34; it was created entirely with slave labor; 60,000 workers died building the canal; Frenkel was also head of the Chief Directorate of Railroad Construction.

30. Adolph Yoffe (aka Ioffe) (1883-1927): Commissar of Foreign Affairs; an ex-Menshevik; close friend of Trotsky’s; helped publish the Pravda newspaper; delegate at the Brest-Litovsk peace negotiations; member of the State General Planning Commission; was later Soviet ambassador to China, Japan and Austria.

31. Lev Ilyich Inzhir (1892- ): chief accountant for the gulag prison system; arrested in 1952, served 6 years in prison in a labor camp in the Irkutsk region.

32. Boris Berman (1901-1939): served as the Byelorussian NKVD’s Commissar until 1938; brother of Matvei.

33. K. V. (Karl) Pauker (1893-1937): head of the Operations Department of the NKVD; head of Joseph Stalin’s personal security detail.

34. Aleksandr Orlov (real name Lev Lazarevich Feldbin; (1898-1970): member of the Cheka; advisor to Spanish Communists in Spain; commander, Soviet Red Army; later worked at the Law School of the University of Michigan in America (!).

35. Ilya Ehrenburg (1891-1967): Soviet propaganda minister during WWII; delegate for Moscow in the Supreme Soviet; Communist writer; organizing member of JAC (Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee); worked for Izvestia newspaper; performed research regarding Spain/Spanish Civil War for the NKVD; author of book “The Ninth Wave,” and winner of two Stalin Prizes.