15 April, 2022

Haw, Haw, Haw!, or, the New, Insane UK

Posted by Socrates in "woke", 'gender identity', 'sex-change', 'transgender', Britain, England, strip searches at 11:32 am | Permanent Link

“In December, entirely without fanfare, Britain’s National Police Chief’s Council issued new guidelines for strip-searching women suspects: Men can do it.”

“Female suspects can be strip-searched by police officers who were born male but identify as women – and could be accused of a hate crime if they object, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.”

So, if you object to a he-she fondling you, you have committed a “hate crime”! Of course! Typical leftist tyranny: “the victim is the oppressor” (after all, the female suspect has not yet been tried in court and she could be innocent). Up is down. Day is night.

“Hey, Frank” (who is wearing a dress and still has a pecker) “you’ve been strip-searching that gal for 2 hours! Aren’t you done yet?”

But don’t worry: no matter how bad the madness gets, “woke” is here to stay! The Judeo-Left has too much invested in “woke” to quit now. It’s full speed ahead.


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