19 April, 2022

Big Capitalism: Closer to Communism Than Capitalism

Posted by Socrates in America, America as an arm of world Jewry, America-the-sitcom, capitalism, capitalism vs. free enterprise, capitalist greed/exploitation, Ivor Benson, Jewed capitalism, jewed culture, media, media control, media culture, Who Rules America? at 12:46 pm | Permanent Link

Author Ivor Benson once said, when talking about small capitalism vs. big capitalism:

“Thus, two words are needed: capitalism, meaning what that word originally meant, what the dictionary says it means; and supercapitalism, meaning the wholly changed form of what was once correctly called capitalism. Capitalism, as originally and correctly understood, means private ownership of property and resources and competitive free enterprise in the supply of goods and services. Supercapitalism, which can be defined as highly concentrated finance-capitalism (i.e., bank capitalism), is not only different from capitalism, it is the antithesis of capitalism and sooner or later acquires the character of being actively anticapitalist.” — from the book “The Zionist Factor: the Jewish Impact on Twentieth Century History” (Costa Mesa, CA., The Noontide Press, 1992) by journalist/political analyst Ivor Benson, chapter 9, p. 121-122.

This below is exactly what Benson was talking about. This is no longer capitalism as most people would think it is. This is “nearly-complete control of the public mind by a handful of people” (and of course these people all belong to one ethnic group: they are Jews):

“As for the consequences of all this deregulation — whereas 50 companies dominated the media landscape in 1983, that dwindled to nine companies by the 1990s. It got worse from there. Today, just six conglomerates control 90% of what you watch, read, or listen to.”


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