27 February, 2022

Why the White Middle Class is So Important

Posted by Socrates in middle class, Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, White philosophy, White suburbia, White thought at 11:10 am | Permanent Link

The Great Reset will wipe out the White middle class in America (or it will try to, at least). That would be horrible for us. Why? Lots of reasons, as listed below. (But “Joe Biden” is waging war on the White middle class right now. Do you realize that, under Trump’s leadership, America was energy-independent?? Yes, we were! Not anymore. “Biden” fixed that “problem”; why on earth would “Biden” do that??).

— A big middle class = a very stable economy. America has the biggest middle class in the entire world.

— A big middle class = a more-happy country (socially speaking) since there is less class animosity and class conflict. (Some countries only have “rich” and “poor” citizens. No middle class per se. In fact, in England there was no middle class for years — only rich and poor — and that caused a lot of class hatred).

— the middle class tends to be smarter and better-educated.

— the middle class is more productive.

— the middle class is largely self-sufficient (it doesn’t need welfare, food stamps, etc.).

— the middle class is family-oriented.

— the middle class isn’t just about money, it’s also a mindset, a lifestyle, e.g., a house in the suburbs, 2 cars in the garage, a nice lawn, etc.

— the middle class people “bounce back” from hardships quickly because of their family networks. They have supportive families and they have “can do” attitudes. The middle class is vital for a healthy and strong America. (Just think how much more successful our White middle class would be if it wasn’t taxed to death as it currently is! And if we didn’t have the horrible Federal Reserve system creating endless inflation! Wow! Our middle class would be much bigger and much more successful if we had a pro-White, pro-family government; our White middle class would be 30% or even 40% bigger! What a wonderful thought to ponder!).

News headline: “Victor Davis Hanson: Joe Biden’s Green Energy Policies are Dangerous and Immoral – They Punish the Middle Class and Empower Enemies”


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