27 January, 2022

Will Blockchain Technology Save the White West?

Posted by Socrates in Bitcoin, blockchain technology, Western civilization, Western culture, Western philosophy, Western preservation ideas at 4:20 pm | Permanent Link

“For all of these reasons, the rise of blockchain technology comes at just the right moment in history to change everything. Simply stated, blockchain is a decentralized database of transactions, and the rate of its adoption around the world is occurring twice as fast as the internet’s during its genesis. It is transforming the world of finance by introducing the existence of digital cryptocurrencies and other financial instruments that cannot be controlled or manipulated by central banks or government spendthrifts. It will not stop there. It represents a revolutionary redesign in the ways information, wealth, and governance function by undercutting centralized authority and empowering everyone else. It is the ultimate tool for slicing and dicing international authoritarianism into parts too dispersed for search engine and social media censors, corporate news propagandists, central bank thieves, or one-world government oligarchs to control.”

“Moving away from transactions controlled and monitored by “elites,” corporations, and governments and toward blockchain transactions that are “housed” nowhere, cannot be altered, and remain secured from bad actors means a system where censorship, coercion, and government monopoly fade away.”


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