25 October, 2021

Covid: People Say the Darnedest Things!

Posted by Socrates in Britain, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines at 9:27 am | Permanent Link

At a school in Britain, there are 30 kids out of school after testing positive for Covid-19, and at the same time, there are 14 students out due to suffering from side-effects from the Covid vaccine.

Quoting Manchester school principal Tarun Kapur, on SKY News TV, in a segment that aired this week:

News reporter, interviewing Kapur about Covid-19 and Kapur’s school: “So what’s the situation here? How many people have you got off at the moment?”

Kapur: “Yesterday we had 30 test positive…and then we have had the vaccinations, and uh, and we’ve got 14 off with, uhm, vaccine side-effects.”

Mind you, this is a well-regarded principal (I read his bio online).

Well! Don’t you just love safe “vaccines”?? Look for the video to vanish quickly and fancy explanations to be issued as to why nobody even knew that the kids were “sick” until they were tested. (Why would you need a “vaccine” for a “virus” that is so weak that you are showing no symptoms?).

[Article] and [Video on Twitter].

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