10 October, 2021

America the Free? No, America the Ridiculous

Posted by Socrates in Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians at 2:34 pm | Permanent Link

School administrator #1: “Quick, lock the school down!!”

School administrator #2: “Why??? Is there a gunman on the campus???”

School administrator #1: “Much worse than that! A girl isn’t wearing a face diaper!!”

School administrator #2: “Oh, sweet Jesus!!! Slam all the doors shut!! Hurry!! Call the police! Call the CDC! Call the FBI! Call the CIA! Call NASA! Call the UN! Call Joe Biden!…on second thought, don’t bother….and call my Aunt Polly in Fresno!!”

“16-Year-Old Wyoming Student Arrested for Not Wearing Mask, Entire School Placed on Lockdown”


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