20 August, 2021

CRT Is Not Marxism?

Posted by Socrates in Critical Race Theory, Cultural Marxism, Marxism at 12:50 pm | Permanent Link

“There is a growing debate in the USA about Critical Race Theory (CRT). Peculiarly enough, CRT’s opponents insist that the ‘Marxist’ discourse must be uprooted from American culture and the education system. I am puzzled by it, as I cannot think of anything more removed from Marx’s thinking than CRT.” — Jewish writer Gilad Atzmon.

CRT is (or originally was, at least) “Cultural Marxism applied to law in order to give Blacks/Browns better legal footing and, at the same time, worsen the legal footing of Whites.” CRT has since expanded and is now found everywhere.

So, it’s Cultural Marxism.

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