29 May, 2021

Covid Vaccine: Force and Bribery Being Used to Push It Onto Citizens

Posted by Socrates in coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Covid-stupid, Covidians, EEOC, federal power at 10:57 am | Permanent Link

How great can a vaccine be if you must use force and bribery to “persuade” citizens to get it? (As time goes on, more and more problems with the Covid-19 vaccine are appearing, e.g., 18 teenagers were just hospitalized in Connecticut with heart inflammation after getting “the Covid jab.” And why are teens getting “the jab” anyway, since young people are largely unaffected by Covid? This vaccine was “rushed to market” and therefore has not been properly tested).

A news quote: “In an update of its COVID-19 guidance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission also said employers could require all workers physically entering a workplace to be vaccinated against the coronavirus but that federal law may require the employer to provide reasonable accommodations for employees who aren’t vaccinated because of a disability or religious belief.”


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