25 March, 2021

White vs. Mexican Parenting Styles

Posted by Socrates in mestizos, Mexcrement, Mexican mentality, Mexico, Mexinvasion, parenting, Rushton, Socrates at 10:29 am | Permanent Link

Would you allow your small child to travel 1,500 miles alone, across the desert, to the southern border of the U.S.? Not if you’re White.

But if you’re Mexican, that’s another story. Lots of unaccompanied Mexican children are arriving at the U.S. border every day. Never mind the fact that such traveling alone by a small child is extremely dangerous. The child could be sexually molested or even kidnapped or murdered. Allowing a child to travel alone that way is felony child abuse. How much do you really care about your child if you let him/her make such a long journey alone? Not much! (Of course, White parents are more caring than Brown parents. Read about parenting styles and race [Here, a .PDF file]).


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