Covid-19 Vaccination is Now Mandatory-by-Default
Posted by Socrates in Biden, Big Brother, Big Government, coronavirus, coronavirus and politics, Coronavirus media hysteria, Covid-19, Covid-19 as a scam, Covid-19 vaccines, Orwell, Socrates at 1:07 pm | Permanent Link
Want to open, or re-open, a business? The government says that you’ve got to get “the jab” first. Just wait 6 months and that mandate will expand even further to include nearly everybody in America. In 1 year, it will include everybody in America. (One reporter admitted that the “Covid-19 passport” program was designed to “wear down the public resistance to getting the vaccine.” Sneaky!).
This is truly Orwellian. Right out of the novel “1984.” Less than 1% of the public has died from Covid-19. Most people who have had it had mild, or zero, symptoms!
As many have noted: we don’t know what the long-term effects of the Covid-19 vaccines are. We won’t know for years, probably. They’re too new.
This is also a global effort: “The Washington Post explains that the initiative is happening globally, with the CDC participating in the controversial World Health Organization’s initiative to roll out the passports.”