24 February, 2021

A White Fable

Posted by Socrates in Socrates, Western civilization, Western culture, White fiction, White philosophy, White thought at 2:36 pm | Permanent Link

It’s A Wonderful Race!

A White fable by James Bronson.

There once was a college freshman named George who thought he knew it all.

One night over dinner, George got into an argument with his father. The argument began when the young student tried to explain to his father that as White people, they should be held accountable for all the evils that they had inflicted upon non-Whites throughout history. George explained: “Because of European racism, we stole the Indians’ land, we held blacks in slavery, we persecuted the Jews, and we plundered the environment. We’ve been oppressive racists for thousands of years so it’s only fair that we pay economic reparations for all the harm we’ve done to the world. I’m pleased to see that we are ending our political and economic domination of the oppressed peoples.”

George’s dad was shocked to hear such talk. “Who put such commie-pinko nonsense into your head, boy? Did one of your sandal-wearing hippie college professors teach you that?” the father asked.

To which the son replied: “That’s the truth dad. My anthropology professor, Dr.Irving Silverstein, says so. He ought to know. Dr. Silverstein is a well-respected Ph.D. People of your generation just don’t understand because you were raised in a White supremacist racist society. That’s why I’ve come to admire Dr. Rev. Martin Luther King as the greatest man in American history. He stood up to the racists of your generation. Because of him, my generation of White kids is completely colourblind.”

The father angrily replied: “That’s bullshit! I’ve always been fair-minded and tolerant of people from all backgrounds and races. I haven’t ‘oppressed’ anybody, and furthermore there’s nothing wrong with being proud of one’s own people, including the European race of people. Your race is in your blood. It’s like an extension of your biological family and you ought to be proud of your European heritage and identity, just like every other racial group in America is proud of its. Why is it OK for them to have a strong sense of racial identity but it’s evil for us Europeans to feel that way?”

The young “intellectual” laughed at his father. “Come on dad, that’s the kind of crap Hitler tried to peddle. Those racist attitudes were discredited years ago. There’s only one race and that’s the human race. Diversity is our greatest strength. Differences in so-called “race” are as insignificant as differences in belly buttons. And besides, UN statistics now show that low White birth rates, along with the fact that we live in an multicultural society, will mean that Europeans and their ethnocentrist and racist culture will have died out by the end of the century,” young George said.

Turning red with anger, the father yelled: “You are a walking cliche. You know that boy? And you think it’s a good thing that the European peoples of the world will have faded out and ceased to exist?”

Young George replied; “I think it’s great! It will mean the end of racism and the end of hate. The oppressed peoples of the world would have been better off if us racist Europeans had never existed to begin with.”

Suddenly there was a blast of cold wind, an explosion, and a huge smoke cloud.

When the smoke had settled, George found himself alone and lost in a cold open field. An angel named Clarence then appeared to him and said “Well, George, you’ve got your wish.”



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