14 November, 2020

Re-Post of a Prior Post: More on Cantor’s Book “The Sacred Chain”

Posted by Socrates in anti-White themes, anti-Whitism, book selections, books, Books recommended by Dr. William Pierce, Claude Levi-Strauss, Jewish history, leftism, leftist/liberal hate, leftists, liberal mindset, liberalism, liberals, Socrates at 2:58 pm | Permanent Link

(Newbies, note the mention of Claude Levi-Strauss)

I have a copy of the 1994 book “The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews” by the late Jewish author Norman F. Cantor, and I highly recommend it [1]. Anyway, I find it funny that most reviews of this informative book are negative. Why are they negative? Here’s a guess: in some places in the book, Cantor comes off sounding like an “anti-Semite,” not a Jew. (You can find “The Sacred Chain” in paperback, used, for a few dollars, if you look around on the internet).

Book for sale: [Here].


[1] it’s also known as “…A History of the Jews” (my copy, a paperback, reads “The History of …” on the front cover). Cantor notes on page 421 that the infamous Jew, Claude Levi-Strauss, an “anthropologist,” could be considered a godfather of left-wing thought, since Levi-Strauss developed/galvanized the concept of the ‘bad’ White world vs. the ‘good’ non-White world, which Cantor calls “the cardinal doctrine of all leftist-leaning thought since 1960”

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