Documentary Film: Harlan County USA (1976)
Posted by Socrates in America, jewed culture, Jewed labor, jewed politics, labor, labor unions, Socrates at 9:45 am | Permanent Link
(It’s about a year-long coal miner’s strike in Kentucky in 1973-1974).
As I watched this documentary, I was reminded of how close labor-union ideology is to communist ideology. They are nearly identical. Both of them pit person A (the worker) against person B (the company/boss) in a never-ending, hate-filled battle. Both invoke made-up “rights” that did not previously exist (e.g., “right to strike”; “worker’s rights”). Both are international in scope (most labor unions call themselves “The International Brotherhood of XXXXX”); both rely mostly on propaganda and on naive stooges to achieve their goals; of course, the labor union movement was created by Jews. It’s just another “Jewish adversary movement.” Labor-union demands caused at least half of all American manufacturing jobs to go overseas. The Rust Belt is the handiwork of unions. Labor unions also shrink the labor pool, which means less jobs are available since only union workers can work. (A personal note: my grandfather was a loyal union man; but he lost faith in unions after numerous strikes left him without work for many months; he wanted to work “scab” but was threatened about crossing a picket line. A curious word, “scab”: if you want to work, you’re a scab? Does that mean, if you don’t want to work, you aren’t a scab? By the way, scabs are actually good things: they cover a wound and promote healing; big money says that a Jew coined the term “scab.” And a final question: why are bus drivers union in some non-union states? In other words, why are people paying more money in those non-union states for bus rides when they don’t have to? Ditto cashiers at big supermarkets in non-union states: many, if not most, are union, which means a bigger grocery bill for you).